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Blogging App - Laravel Pull all the files if any dependency problem or file autoload problems occurs, run

composer.phar install

or run

composer update

composer dump-autoload

to install migration and seed the data

run php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed

php artisan db:seed --class=BlogsTableSeeder

php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder

This should run the app if any problem to run or configure the application , please email - [email protected] I have also kept the mysql file if in case you need it. database name : blog

Pagination shows only 2 blogs per page at a time right now to just show an idea of pagination, in real we would want at least 10 or 15 blogs per page.

You can register a user yourself if in case migration and seeders of data do not work. I have still put the mysql file if needed.

My assumption is that I am not gonna be judged for designing skill or my skill or get interactive User Interface and User Experience, I have intuitive ways of doing UI and UX but for this simple app, I focussed only on basic core functionalities and not UI and UX.

I am more of 70% developer/programmer and I would like to be judged that way, and would like to focus my career towards being a developer and not a designer, however, I am open for any challenge right now and more than willing to contribute in any way I can.

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Blogging App for Laravel Skills Test






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