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GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go


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GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go.

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GopherLua is a Lua5.1 VM and compiler written in Go. GopherLua has a same goal with Lua: Be a scripting language with extensible semantics . It provides Go APIs that allow you to easily embed a scripting language to your Go host programs.

  • Be a scripting language with extensible semantics.
  • User-friendly Go API
    • The stack based API like the one used in the original Lua implementation will cause a performance improvements in GopherLua (It will reduce memory allocations and concrete type <-> interface conversions). GopherLua API is not the stack based API. GopherLua give preference to the user-friendliness over the performance.

GopherLua is not fast but not too slow, I think.

GopherLua has almost equivalent ( or little bit better ) performance as Python3 on micro benchmarks.

There are some benchmarks on the wiki page .

go get

GopherLua supports >= Go1.5.

GopherLua APIs perform in much the same way as Lua, but the stack is used only for passing arguments and receiving returned values.

GopherLua supports channel operations. See "Goroutines" section.

Import a package.

import (

Run scripts in the VM.

L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
if err := L.DoString(`print("hello")`); err != nil {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
if err := L.DoFile("hello.lua"); err != nil {

Refer to Lua Reference Manual and Go doc for further information.

Note that elements that are not commented in Go doc equivalent to Lua Reference Manual , except GopherLua uses objects instead of Lua stack indices.

Data model

All data in a GopherLua program is an LValue . LValue is an interface type that has following methods.

  • String() string
  • Type() LValueType

Objects implement an LValue interface are

Type name Go type Type() value Constants
LNilType (constants) LTNil LNil
LBool (constants) LTBool LTrue, LFalse
LNumber float64 LTNumber -
LString string LTString -
LFunction struct pointer LTFunction -
LUserData struct pointer LTUserData -
LState struct pointer LTThread -
LTable struct pointer LTTable -
LChannel chan LValue LTChannel -

You can test an object type in Go way(type assertion) or using a Type() value.

lv := L.Get(-1) // get the value at the top of the stack
if str, ok := lv.(lua.LString); ok {
    // lv is LString
if lv.Type() != lua.LTString {
    panic("string required.")
lv := L.Get(-1) // get the value at the top of the stack
if tbl, ok := lv.(*lua.LTable); ok {
    // lv is LTable

Note that LBool , LNumber , LString is not a pointer.

To test LNilType and LBool, You must use pre-defined constants.

lv := L.Get(-1) // get the value at the top of the stack

if lv == lua.LTrue { // correct

if bl, ok := lv.(lua.LBool); ok && bool(bl) { // wrong

In Lua, both nil and false make a condition false. LVIsFalse and LVAsBool implement this specification.

lv := L.Get(-1) // get the value at the top of the stack
if lua.LVIsFalse(lv) { // lv is nil or false

if lua.LVAsBool(lv) { // lv is neither nil nor false

Objects that based on go structs(LFunction. LUserData, LTable) have some public methods and fields. You can use these methods and fields for performance and debugging, but there are some limitations.

  • Metatable does not work.
  • No error handlings.

Callstack & Registry size

Size of the callstack & registry is fixed for mainly performance. You can change the default size of the callstack & registry.

lua.RegistrySize = 1024 * 20
lua.CallStackSize = 1024
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()

You can also create an LState object that has the callstack & registry size specified by Options .

L := lua.NewState(lua.Options{
    CallStackSize: 120,
    RegistrySize:  120*20,

An LState object that has been created by *LState#NewThread() inherits the callstack & registry size from the parent LState object.

Miscellaneous lua.NewState options

  • Options.SkipOpenLibs bool(default false)
    • By default, GopherLua opens all built-in libraries when new LState is created.
    • You can skip this behaviour by setting this to true .
    • Using the various OpenXXX(L *LState) int functions you can open only those libraries that you require, for an example see below.
  • Options.IncludeGoStackTrace bool(default false)
    • By default, GopherLua does not show Go stack traces when panics occur.
    • You can get Go stack traces by setting this to true .


Refer to Lua Reference Manual and Go doc(LState methods) for further information.

Calling Go from Lua

func Double(L *lua.LState) int {
    lv := L.ToInt(1)             /* get argument */
    L.Push(lua.LNumber(lv * 2)) /* push result */
    return 1                     /* number of results */

func main() {
    L := lua.NewState()
    defer L.Close()
    L.SetGlobal("double", L.NewFunction(Double)) /* Original lua_setglobal uses stack... */
print(double(20)) -- > "40"

Any function registered with GopherLua is a lua.LGFunction, defined in value.go

type LGFunction func(*LState) int

Working with coroutines.

co, _ := L.NewThread() /* create a new thread */
fn := L.GetGlobal("coro").(*lua.LFunction) /* get function from lua */
for {
    st, err, values := L.Resume(co, fn)
    if st == lua.ResumeError {
        fmt.Println("yield break(error)")

    for i, lv := range values {
        fmt.Printf("%v : %v\n", i, lv)

    if st == lua.ResumeOK {
        fmt.Println("yield break(ok)")

Opening a subset of builtin modules

The following demonstrates how to open a subset of the built-in modules in Lua, say for example to avoid enabling modules with access to local files or system calls.


func main() {
    L := lua.NewState(lua.Options{SkipOpenLibs: true})
    defer L.Close()
    for _, pair := range []struct {
        n string
        f lua.LGFunction
        {lua.LoadLibName, lua.OpenPackage}, // Must be first
        {lua.BaseLibName, lua.OpenBase},
        {lua.TabLibName, lua.OpenTable},
    } {
        if err := L.CallByParam(lua.P{
            Fn:      L.NewFunction(pair.f),
            NRet:    0,
            Protect: true,
        }, lua.LString(pair.n)); err != nil {
    if err := L.DoFile("main.lua"); err != nil {

Creating a module by Go


package mymodule

import (

func Loader(L *lua.LState) int {
    // register functions to the table
    mod := L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), exports)
    // register other stuff
    L.SetField(mod, "name", lua.LString("value"))

    // returns the module
    return 1

var exports = map[string]lua.LGFunction{
    "myfunc": myfunc,

func myfunc(L *lua.LState) int {
    return 0


package main

import (

func main() {
    L := lua.NewState()
    defer L.Close()
    L.PreloadModule("mymodule", mymodule.Loader)
    if err := L.DoFile("main.lua"); err != nil {


local m = require("mymodule")

Calling Lua from Go

L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
if err := L.DoFile("double.lua"); err != nil {
if err := L.CallByParam(lua.P{
    Fn: L.GetGlobal("double"),
    NRet: 1,
    Protect: true,
    }, lua.LNumber(10)); err != nil {
ret := L.Get(-1) // returned value
L.Pop(1)  // remove received value

If Protect is false, GopherLua will panic instead of returning an error value.

User-Defined types

You can extend GopherLua with new types written in Go. LUserData is provided for this purpose.

type Person struct {
    Name string

const luaPersonTypeName = "person"

// Registers my person type to given L.
func registerPersonType(L *lua.LState) {
    mt := L.NewTypeMetatable(luaPersonTypeName)
    L.SetGlobal("person", mt)
    // static attributes
    L.SetField(mt, "new", L.NewFunction(newPerson))
    // methods
    L.SetField(mt, "__index", L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), personMethods))

// Constructor
func newPerson(L *lua.LState) int {
    person := &Person{L.CheckString(1)}
    ud := L.NewUserData()
    ud.Value = person
    L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaPersonTypeName))
    return 1

// Checks whether the first lua argument is a *LUserData with *Person and returns this *Person.
func checkPerson(L *lua.LState) *Person {
    ud := L.CheckUserData(1)
    if v, ok := ud.Value.(*Person); ok {
        return v
    L.ArgError(1, "person expected")
    return nil

var personMethods = map[string]lua.LGFunction{
    "name": personGetSetName,

// Getter and setter for the Person#Name
func personGetSetName(L *lua.LState) int {
    p := checkPerson(L)
    if L.GetTop() == 2 {
        p.Name = L.CheckString(2)
        return 0
    return 1

func main() {
    L := lua.NewState()
    defer L.Close()
    if err := L.DoString(`
        p ="Steeve")
        print(p:name()) -- "Steeve"
        print(p:name()) -- "Alice"
    `); err != nil {

Terminating a running LState

GopherLua supports the Go Concurrency Patterns: Context .

L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// set the context to our LState
err := L.DoString(`
  local clock = os.clock
  function sleep(n)  -- seconds
    local t0 = clock()
    while clock() - t0 <= n do end
// err.Error() contains "context deadline exceeded"

With coroutines

L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
    function coro()
          local i = 0
          while true do
                i = i+1
          return i
co, cocancel := L.NewThread()
defer cocancel()
fn := L.GetGlobal("coro").(*LFunction)

_, err, values := L.Resume(co, fn) // err is nil

cancel() // cancel the parent context

_, err, values = L.Resume(co, fn) // err is NOT nil : child context was canceled

Note that using a context causes performance degradation.

time ./glua-with-context.exe fib.lua
0.01s user 0.11s system 1% cpu 7.505 total

time ./glua-without-context.exe fib.lua
0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 5.306 total


The LState is not goroutine-safe. It is recommended to use one LState per goroutine and communicate between goroutines by using channels.

Channels are represented by channel objects in GopherLua. And a channel table provides functions for performing channel operations.

Some objects can not be sent over channels due to having non-goroutine-safe objects inside itself.

  • a thread(state)
  • a function
  • an userdata
  • a table with a metatable

You must not send these objects from Go APIs to channels.

func receiver(ch, quit chan lua.LValue) {
    L := lua.NewState()
    defer L.Close()
    L.SetGlobal("ch", lua.LChannel(ch))
    L.SetGlobal("quit", lua.LChannel(quit))
    if err := L.DoString(`
    local exit = false
    while not exit do
        {"|<-", ch, function(ok, v)
          if not ok then
            print("channel closed")
            exit = true
            print("received:", v)
        {"|<-", quit, function(ok, v)
            exit = true
  `); err != nil {

func sender(ch, quit chan lua.LValue) {
    L := lua.NewState()
    defer L.Close()
    L.SetGlobal("ch", lua.LChannel(ch))
    L.SetGlobal("quit", lua.LChannel(quit))
    if err := L.DoString(`
  `); err != nil {
    ch <- lua.LString("3")
    quit <- lua.LTrue

func main() {
    ch := make(chan lua.LValue)
    quit := make(chan lua.LValue)
    go receiver(ch, quit)
    go sender(ch, quit)
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

ToChannel, CheckChannel, OptChannel are available.

Refer to Go doc(LState methods) for further information.

  • channel.make([buf:int]) -> ch:channel
    • Create new channel that has a buffer size of buf. By default, buf is 0.
  • [, case:table, case:table ...]) -> {index:int, recv:any, ok}
    • Same as the select statement in Go. It returns the index of the chosen case and, if that case was a receive operation, the value received and a boolean indicating whether the channel has been closed.
    • case is a table that outlined below.
      • receiving: {"|<-", ch:channel [, handler:func(ok, data:any)]}
      • sending: {"<-|", ch:channel, data:any [, handler:func(data:any)]}
      • default: {"default" [, handler:func()]} examples:

local idx, recv, ok =
  {"|<-", ch1},
  {"|<-", ch2}
if not ok then
elseif idx == 1 then -- received from ch1
elseif idx == 2 then -- received from ch2
  {"|<-", ch1, function(ok, data)
    print(ok, data)
  {"<-|", ch2, "value", function(data)
  {"default", function()
    print("default action")
  • channel:send(data:any)
    • Send data over the channel.
  • channel:receive() -> ok:bool, data:any
    • Receive some data over the channel.
  • channel:close()
    • Close the channel.
The LState pool pattern

To create per-thread LState instances, You can use the sync.Pool like mechanism.

type lStatePool struct {
    m     sync.Mutex
    saved []*lua.LState

func (pl *lStatePool) Get() *lua.LState {
    defer pl.m.Unlock()
    n := len(pl.saved)
    if n == 0 {
        return pl.New()
    x := pl.saved[n-1]
    pl.saved = pl.saved[0 : n-1]
    return x

func (pl *lStatePool) New() *lua.LState {
    L := lua.NewState()
    // setting the L up here.
    // load scripts, set global variables, share channels, etc...
    return L

func (pl *lStatePool) Put(L *lua.LState) {
    defer pl.m.Unlock()
    pl.saved = append(pl.saved, L)

func (pl *lStatePool) Shutdown() {
    for _, L := range pl.saved {

// Global LState pool
var luaPool = &lStatePool{
    saved: make([]*lua.LState, 0, 4),

Now, you can get per-thread LState objects from the luaPool .

func MyWorker() {
   L := luaPool.Get()
   defer luaPool.Put(L)
   /* your code here */

func main() {
    defer luaPool.Shutdown()
    go MyWorker()
    go MyWorker()
    /* etc... */


  • GopherLua supports channel operations.
    • GopherLua has a type named channel.
    • The channel table provides functions for performing channel operations.

Unsupported functions

  • string.dump
  • os.setlocale
  • lua_Debug.namewhat
  • package.loadlib
  • debug hooks

Miscellaneous notes

  • collectgarbage does not take any arguments and runs the garbage collector for the entire Go program.
  • file:setvbuf does not support a line buffering.
  • Daylight saving time is not supported.
  • GopherLua has a function to set an environment variable : os.setenv(name, value)

Lua has an interpreter called lua . GopherLua has an interpreter called glua .

go get

glua has same options as lua .

See Guidlines for contributors .

  • gopher-luar : Custom type reflection for gopher-lua
  • gluamapper : Mapping a Lua table to a Go struct
  • gluare : Regular expressions for gopher-lua
  • gluahttp : HTTP request module for gopher-lua
  • gopher-json : A simple JSON encoder/decoder for gopher-lua
  • gluayaml : Yaml parser for gopher-lua
  • glua-lfs : Partially implements the luafilesystem module for gopher-lua
  • gluaurl : A url parser/builder module for gopher-lua
  • gluahttpscrape : A simple HTML scraper module for gopher-lua
  • gluaxmlpath : An xmlpath module for gopher-lua



Yusuke Inuzuka


GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go








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  • Go 67.2%
  • Lua 29.8%
  • Yacc 2.4%
  • Other 0.6%