Download Elixir from Elixir-Install page, and install it.
The latest version of Elixir is now 1.6.5.
And install Erlang/OTP by Elixir installer.
The latest version of Erlang OTP is now 20.2.
We recommend to use default settings of installer.
Download Phoenix Framework via mix command.
Run command prompt application (type cmd
into your desktop search bar) and type like follows:
mix archive.install
Then press "Y". The latest version of Phoenix Framework is 1.3.2.
Visit Node.js site and download "LTS version" installer. Please note that "current version" is not supported.
Visit Visual Studio Download Page and download "Visual Studio Community 2017" because it's free.
Install "C++によるデスクトップ開発" from top page and "Git for Windows" from "個別のコンポーネント".
Make sure that "vcvrsall.bat" has been installed under the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build".
After you install these, run Visual Studio and open new project at once.
Visit Postgre SQL and Download Page, then download Installer. Then download "PostgreSQL 10.4" and "Windows x86-64" version. Use "postgres" as Password. After you install PostgreSQL, ignore "Stack Builder".
Download Yarn from Download page.
git clone
npm install webpack@^1.15.0 -g
cd xee
mix deps.get
cmd /K "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
mix deps.compile
Set up the database as follows:
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
Run npm install
If you see any error or warning, don't care and ignore it.
And run webpack
mix phx.server
and you can see your XEE local web site on http://localhost:4000.
If you couldn't see "Master XEE", webpack may be failed.
Check database connection using user registry system.
Visit "教師用画面" and try to make register some user.
If some error occuerd, it may casued by postgreSQL or ecto
cd apps\
git clone
cd xee_linda_problem_simple
mix deps.get
yarn install
yarn add webpack@^1.15
yarn add babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --dev
yarn run webpack
Change directory to "xee/config/", and modify "theme.exs."
theme LindaProblemSimple,
name: "リンダ問題",
path: "apps/xee_linda_problem_simple",
host: "host.js",
participant: "participant.js",
tags: ["相互作用なし"]
Change directory to "xee" and mix phx.server
, then you can use new theme.
You can use supervisor mode form your teachers page.
If URI of teachers page is like http://localhost:4000/experiment/ABC/host
visit http://localhost:4000/experiment/ABC/host/X
as user "X".