Face detection based Attendance system is windows form application which is written in the c# programming language and the ide is visual studio
The main goal of the application is to detect the face of the Khulna university's computer science and engineering students and to take the daily attendance data on the digital system that is to recognize the face of the student and to take the attendance and save it as-as a digital data formate
============================================== FACE DETECTION BASED ATTENDANCE SYSTEM ====================================
Main form of the application
For to detect the Face of the student we use the emgu cv or the open Cv libary to process and to identify the face of the student properly
1.First figure of the application Nedd to press "NEW" button to start the application
2.Need to give the proper data for to save the attendance data
3.Then click the "Start cemera" button
4.Then the application will detected the person on the screen and show the name of the student
5.Press "Present" Button to take the attendance
6.Attendace saved
7.To train the mechine give a name and roll and then press the "Train" Button"
8.All attendance data
9.Save the all attendance data as excel file
10.Edit and press "Update" Buttton