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Simple Service Provider (SP) for SAML 2.0 Web SSO and Relying Party (RP) for WS-Federation


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This app provides a simple test Service Provider (SP) for SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile or Relying Party (RP) for WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile

The following SAML 2.0 WebSSO features are supported:

  • Authentication Request
    • Signatures (SHA1 or SHA256)
    • HTTP-POST or HTTP-Redirect Bindings
  • Authentication Context Class
    • NameID Format
    • ForceAuthn
    • Dynamic AssertionConsumerServiceURL
  • Assertion Consumer Service
    • Signature Verification with Public Key Certificate or Thumbprint
    • HTTP-POST Binding
    • Encrypted Assertions
  • SAML Single Logout Service
    • Signatures (SHA1 or SHA256)
    • HTTP-POST Binding for Responses
    • HTTP-POST or HTTP-Redirect Bindings for Requests
  • SAML Metadata
    • Auto-configuration with IdP Metadata
    • Publish SP Metadata

The following WS-Federation features are supported:

  • Security Token Service Response
    • Signature Verification with Public Key Certificate or Thumbprint
    • Encrypted Assertions
  • Federation Metadata
    • Auto-configuration with IdP Metadata
    • Publish RP Metadata


npm install


Dynamic IdP Configuration from IdP Metadata (Recommended)

node bin/server.js --idpMetaUrl {url}

The default protocol is SAMLP if metadata supports both SAMLP and WS-Federation


node bin/server.js --idpMetaUrl

Static IdP Configuration with Certificate

node bin/server.js --iss {issuer} --idpSsoUrl {url} --idpCert {pem}


node bin/server.js --iss --idpSsoUrl --idpCert ./idp-cert.pem

Static IdP Configuration with SHA1 Thumbprint

node bin/server.js --iss {issuer} --idpSsoUrl {url} --idpThumbprint {sha1}


node bin/server.js --iss --idpSsoUrl --idpThumbprint 77:87:4A:86:18:B3:CB:44:C2:EB:68:1B:77:0B:1D:F6:4A:0E:88:E7


node bin/server.js --help

  --version                      Show version number                                                                                                       [boolean]
  --settings                     Path to JSON config file
  --port, -p                     Web Server listener port                                                                        [number] [required] [default: 7070]
  --protocol                     Federation Protocol                                                                          [string] [required] [default: "samlp"]
  --idpIssuer, --iss             IdP Issuer URI                                                                                [string] [default: "urn:example:idp"]
  --idpSsoUrl                    IdP Single Sign-On Service URL (SSO URL)                                                                                   [string]
  --idpSsoBinding                IdP Single Sign-On AuthnRequest Binding         [string] [required] [default: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"]
  --idpSloUrl                    IdP Single Logout Service URL (SLO URL) (SAMLP)                                                                            [string]
  --idpSloBinding                IdP Single Logout Request Binding (SAMLP)       [string] [required] [default: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"]
  --idpCert                      IdP Public Key Signing Certificate (PEM)                                                                                   [string]
  --idpThumbprint                IdP Public Key Signing Certificate SHA1 Thumbprint                                                                         [string]
  --idpMetaUrl                   IdP SAML Metadata URL                                                                                                      [string]
  --audience, --aud              SP Audience URI / RP Realm                                                                     [string] [default: "urn:example:sp"]
  --providerName                 SP Provider Name                                                                 [string] [default: "Simple SAML Service Provider"]
  --acsUrls                      SP Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URLs (Relative URL)                                 [array] [required] [default: ["/saml/sso"]]
  --signAuthnRequests, --signed  Sign AuthnRequest Messages (SAMLP)                                                             [boolean] [required] [default: true]
  --signatureAlgorithm           Signature Algorithm                                                                                [string] [default: "rsa-sha256"]
  --digestAlgorithm              Digest Algorithm                                                                                       [string] [default: "sha256"]
  --requestNameIDFormat          Request Subject NameID Format (SAMLP)                                                                     [boolean] [default: true]
  --validateNameIDFormat         Validate format of Assertion Subject NameID                                                               [boolean] [default: true]
  --nameIDFormat, --nameid       Assertion Subject NameID Format                        [string] [default: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress"]
  --requestAuthnContext          Request Authentication Context (SAMLP)                                                                    [boolean] [default: true]
  --authnContextClassRef, --acr  Authentication Context Class Reference      [string] [default: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport"]
  --spCert                       SP/RP Public Key Signature & Encryption Certificate (PEM)          [string] [default: "/Users/karl/src/saml-sp/config/sp-cert.pem"]
  --spKey                        SP/RP Private Key Signature & Decryption Certificate(PEM)           [string] [default: "/Users/karl/src/saml-sp/config/sp-key.pem"]
  --httpsPrivateKey              Web Server TLS/SSL Private Key (PEM)                                                                                       [string]
  --httpsCert                    Web Server TLS/SSL Certificate (PEM)                                                                                       [string]
  --https                        Enables HTTPS Listener (requires httpsPrivateKey and httpsCert)                                          [boolean] [default: false]
  --relayState, --rs             Default Relay State                                                                                                        [string]
  --help                         Show help                                                                                                                 [boolean]

Passing key-pairs from environment variables

key-pairs can also be passed from environment variables.

node bin/server.js --iss {issuer} --idpSsoUrl {url} --idpCert="$SAML_IDP_CERT" --spCert="$SAML_SP_CERT" --spKey="$SAML_SP_KEY"

SAML 2.0 SSO Protocol

The SAML 2.0 protocol is specified with --protocol samlp (default)

Identity Provider Settings

The IdP settings needed for federation can be auto-configured via IdP SAML Metadata. If IdP SAML metadata is not available you can manually specify service endpoints, binding, and signing credentials.

If you need an IdP to test with, use Simple Identity Provider (IdP) for SAML 2.0 for all your end-to-end SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO flows!


Endpoints Argument Default
SSO Service URL idpSsoUrl
SSO Service Binding idpSsoBinding urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect
SLO Service URL idpSloUrl
SLO Service Binding idpSloBinding urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect

Response/Assertion Signing Certificate

You must specify the public key certificate with the idpCert or SHA1 thumbprint with idpThumbprint argument to validate the SAMLResponse message from the IdP.

Service Provider Settings

You need to create a SAML trust in your SAML IdP for the SP web app. The following settings are required and can be customized via command-line arguments or within the /settings page.

Audience (EntityID)

The default SP audience is urn:example:sp. You can change this with the --aud argument.


The Service Provider only supports the HTTP-POST binding for the Assertion Consumer Service

Service Binding URL
Assertion Consumer Service HTTP-POST http://localhost:port/saml/sso (Default)
Single Logout Service HTTP-POST http://localhost:port/saml/slo

You can specify additional endpoints (relative paths) for the Assertion Consumer Service with the acsUrls argument. The first ACS URL in the array (e.g. acsUrls[0]) is used by default for AuthnRequests. You can select any configured ACS URL for requests with the /login?acsUrl=/path query param or by going to the settings page in the SP and selecting the default ACS URL.

Request Signing Certificate

You should generate a self-signed certificate for the SP.

openssl req -x509 -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=San Francisco/O=JankyCo/CN=Test Service Provider' -keyout /config/sp-key.pem -out /config/sp-cert.pem -days 7300

This key-pair will be used to sign SAML AuthnRequest and LogoutRequest messages generated by the Service Provider. You can disable AuthnRequest message signatures with the signAuthnRequests argument. LogoutRequest messages always require signatures.

Decryption Private Key

The Service Provider uses the same key-pair for signatures and decryption. Use the same signing public key certificate to encrypt SAML assertion in the IdP.

SAML Metadata

Service Provider SAML metadata is available on http://localhost:port/metadata

WS-Federation Protocol

The WS-Federation protocol is specified with --protocol wsfed

Identity Provider Settings

The IdP settings needed for federation can be auto-configured via IdP Metadata. If IdP metadata is not available you can manually specify service endpoints, binding, and signing credentials.


Endpoints Argument Default
IdP Passive Requestor Endpoint idpSsoUrl

Assertion Signing Certificate

You must specify the public key certificate with the idpCert or SHA1 thumbprint with idpThumbprint argument to validate the SAML 2.0 security token returned from the IdP.

Relying Party Settings

You need to create a federation trust in your IdP/STS for the RP web app. The following settings are required and can be customized via command-line arguments or within the /settings page.

Realm (Audience)

The default RP realm/audience is urn:example:sp. You can change this with the --aud argument.


The Relying Party only supports the HTTP-POST binding for the Security Token Response Endpoint

Service Binding URL
Security Token Response Endpoint HTTP-POST http://localhost:port/saml/sso

Decryption Private Key

Use the same signing public key certificate to encrypt SAML assertion in the IdP.

RP Metadata

Relying Party SAML metadata is available on http://localhost:port/metadata

Web Server

You can customize the port and optionally provide a TLS/SSL certificate for the Service Provider to enable HTTPS


The web app hosts the following URL routes:

Route Description
/profile Displays the user profile for the authenticated user
/login Initiates a SSO request to the IdP
/logout Attempts to logout via SAML SLO if configured otherwise just destroys the user's active session
/settings Service Providers settings
/saml/sso SSO Assertion Consumer Service / Security Token Service Response Passive Endpoint
/saml/slo SLO endpoint
/metadata Service Provider/Relying Party Metadata endpoint


Specify the https argument to enable TLS along with public key certificate and private key in PEM format

node bin/server.js --https --httpsCert {cert} --httpsKey {key}


Simple Service Provider (SP) for SAML 2.0 Web SSO and Relying Party (RP) for WS-Federation







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