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Installation and Setup

xpdota edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 6 revisions


These instructions are for Windows. If you are using Linux, read this instead, then skip to the next section.

  1. Go to the releases page and grab the latest release. There are two zip files - the big one (includes Java), and the smaller one (Java not included - you will be sent to the download page if you don't have an appropriate version installed already). You must use Java 17, not 18 or 19.

  2. Extract it somewhere.

  3. Make sure ACT is running, you have the FFXIV parsing plugin and OverlayPlugin installed, and OverlayPluginWSServer is running:

  1. Run triggevent.exe

  2. If everything is connected, you should see a checkmark in "Connected to ACT WS" on the front page of the application. The "Test TTS" button on the front page should make ACT say something, and you should see correct information for player/party/combatants.

Start Automatically with ACT

There is a file in the installation directory called Triggevent_Stub.dll. You can add this to ACT as a plugin (leave it in the folder with the rest of the Triggevent files - do not move it to your ACT plugins directory). Click "Browse" in the ACT Plugins Tab, locate the file, and then hit Add/Enable.


First, head on over to the Plugin Settings tab. Here, you can configure the built-in plugins, as well as any third party plugins you have added.


Here, triggers or plugins with customizable callouts will appear. You can change the TTS and the flying text (only TTS is implemented at this time). You can uncheck an entire section to disable it completely.

DoT Tracker

This tab lets you configure which DoTs you want on the dot tracker. The "Time before expiry" controls how soon before expiration it will do the TTS call. Enable TTS/Enable Overlay controls whether to put dots in TTS, overlay, or both. The tracker overlay looks something like this:

This is what the DoT tracker looks like. Expired targets will show in red. Targets with the same or similar duration remaining will automatically be combined.

Be sure to check the "Overlays" tab to make sure that you have overlays enabled. For more information about overlays, see the "Overlays" section further down.

Personal CD Tracker

This tab controls the personal CD display.

You can enable TTS/overlay separately at the top, and then fine tune TTS/overlay setting for each CD.

Party CD Tracker

Identical to personal CD tracker, but shows party CDs instead. Configuration is the same.

Titan Gaols

Can do both personal callouts (like the ACT jail plugin), and automarks (like the triggernometry automarks).

You can check "Enable Personal Callout" and/or "Enable Automarks". You can use both in tandem. Only one player per party should use automarks. Note that you MUST be using default party sort order in-game for automarks to work, but not personal callouts.

To set the priority, drag and drop classes on the left into the desired order. If you are in a party (cross-world doesn't count, you'll need to be in a normal party or go into an instance), the effective priority will show on the right.

To use automarks, you simply need nine macros. The first eight should look like this:

/mk Attack <1>
/e Marker1
/mk Attack <2>
/e Marker2


/mk Attack <8>
/e Marker8

The /e line is optional - it is simply there to help debug if anything goes wrong.

The final macro is the clear macro:

/merror off
/echo Clear Marks
/mk clear <1>
/mk clear <2>
/mk clear <3>
/mk clear <4>
/mk clear <5>
/mk clear <6>
/mk clear <7>
/mk clear <8> 
/mk clear <t>
/mk clear <lt>
/mk clear <la>
/mk clear <c>

Put these macros on a hotbar bound to either Numpad1-Numpad9, or F1-F9 (see the next section to choose).

Even if you are solo, you can check the "Override Zone Lock" option, and do /e c:jailtest 1 1 1 to simulate getting all three jails on yourself. You should hear both a TTS callout and get an automark on yourself. Do /e c:jailreset afterwards to clear the simulated jails.

You can also use /e c:amtest 1 to try marking yourself.

Automark Tab

This tab has a single option, which switches from the default of Numpad 1-9, to F1-F9 (the default for some of the existing AM triggers). F1-F8 by default are "select party" hotkeys, whereas Numpad is merely used for menu navigation. Take your pick.


This tab shows all overlays.

You can check "Show Overlays" to show/hide all overlays. "Edit" puts overlays into edit mode, where you can drag the borders, and use mousewheel up/down to resize:

"Force Visible Even When Game Inactive" will cause the overlays to not hide when you tab out of the game.

Each overlay in the table can be checked/unchecked, and have its opacity adjusted.


There are only two settings a few buttons on this tab.

The two settings are:

  • "Max In-Memory Events" - if the program is using too much memory, slowing down, or using too much CPU, consider decreasing this. This means that you won't be able to see all the events on the "Events" tab if you hit the limit.
  • "Save to Disk" - this will save incoming events to disk (in %APPDATA%\triggevent\sessions), but this also slightly increases memory usage.


If you want to open an ACT log or a previous session, run triggevent-import.exe and select the file you want.

You can then use the "Replay Controls" at the top of the window to step through events. Enter the number of events to advance by at a time, then click "Advance" to step forward. There is no rewind yet.

If you want to see what your overlays would have looked like, you should use the "Force Visible" option on the overlays tab.

Viewing Events and State

If you are live, or viewing a replay, there are several informational tabs.


The "Events" tab shows all events. Note that most internal events (such as raw OverlayPlugin Websocket stuff and ACT lines) are considered "System Events", and so you need to click "Show System Events" if you want to see them.

You can filter by event class, source/target entities, ability/buff, or pull number (see the "Pulls" tab).

The entity fields allow you to pick one of the predefined options from the dropdown (NPCs/players/etc), a partial or complete entity name, or an entity ID in the form 0x1234ABCD. The plain text fields such as 'Event Class' accept a plain search string, or a regex in the form /regex goes here/. The Snap/Resolve option lets you choose between showing snapshotted vs resolved vs both. Note that ACT doesn't report all resolved abilities, so showing only snapshotted will miss some data.

Note that only original events are replayed - the rest of the events are synthesized as they would normally be. This means that you can capture a session or use an ACT log, then write triggers after the fact, and see them actually work. Triggevent sessions contain periodic combatants data rather than just ACT lines, so it works like Cactbot's raid emulator on steroids.

For example, here, you can see that my triggers would have called out "Searing Wind on YOU":


Pretty self-explanatory. It's basically just the ACT log. The "Line" search box supports regices as before (e.g. /^(21|22)/ to see abilities used).


Lists all combatants, including buffs.


Lists status effects.