A set of algorithms written in python.
- bubble sort
- insert sort
- merge sort
- bucket sort
- count sort
- radix sort
- select sort
- quick sort
- heap sort
- binary search
- depth first search
- breadth first search
- json pretty print
- filter chinese file
- get max 1 num
- get max serial 1 num
- swap integer value
- get top k
- fibonacci
- longest common subsequence
- stack structure
- infix expression to postfix expression
- calculate expression with postfix
- queue structure
- binary tree structure
- binary search tree structure
- traversal binary tree
- html parser
- Prim
- Dijkstra
- 3sum
- 3sum_closest
- 4sum
- add_binary
- add_digits
- add_strings
- add_two_numbers
- balanced_binary_tree
- best_time_to_buy_and_sell_stock
- best_time_to_buy_and_sell_stock_II
- binary_tree_inorder_traversal
- binary_tree_level_order_traversal
- binary_tree_level_order_traversal_II
- binary_tree_paths
- binary_tree_postorder_traversal
- binary_tree_preorder_traversal
- bitwise_and_of_numbers_range
- bulb_switcher
- bulls_and_cows
- candy
- climbing_stairs
- coin_change
- combinations
- combination_sum
- combination_sum_ii
- combination_sum_iv
- combination_sum_three
- compare_version_numbers
- container_with_most_water
- contains_duplicate
- convert_a_number_to_hexadecimal
- counting_bits
- count_and_say
- count_numbers_with_unique_digits
- count_primes
- decode_string
- decode_ways
- delete_node_in_a_linked_list
- divide_two_integers
- edit_distance
- evaluate_reverse_polish_notation
- excel_sheet_column_number
- excel_sheet_column_title
- factorial_trailing_zeroes
- find_all_anagrams_in_a_string
- find_minimum_in_ratated_sorted_array
- find_minimum_in_ratated_sorted_array_II
- find_peak_element
- find_the_difference
- find_the_duplicate_number
- first_bad_version
- first_missing_positive
- first_unique_character_in_a_string
- fizz_buzz
- flatten_binary_tree_to_linked_list
- gas_station
- generate_parentheses
- gray_code
- group_anagrams
- guess_number_higher_or_lower
- happy_number
- house_robber
- house_robber_recursive
- implement_queue_using_stacks
- insertion_sort_list
- insert_interval
- integer_break
- integer_replacement
- integer_to_roman
- intersection_of_two_arrays
- intersection_of_two_arrays_II
- intersection_of_two_linked_lists
- invert_binary_tree
- isomorphic_strings
- is_subsequence
- jump_game
- jump_game_II
- kth_largest_element_in_an_array
- kth_smallest_element_in_a_sorted_matrix
- largest_number
- largest_rectangle_in_histogram
- length_of_last_word
- letter_combinations_of_a_phone_number
- lexicographical_numbers
- LFU_cache
- linked_list_cycle
- linked_list_cycle_II
- linked_list_random_note
- longest_common_prefix
- longest_consecutive_sequence
- longest_increasing_subsequence
- longest_palindromic_substring
- longest_substring_without_repeating_characters
- longest_valid_parentheses
- majority_element
- majority_element_II
- maximum_depth_of_binary_tree
- maximum_product_of_word_lenghts
- maximum_subarray
- median_of_two_sorted_arrays
- merge_intervals
- merge_k_sorted_lists
- merge_sorted_array
- merge_two_sorted_lists
- minimum_depth_of_binary_tree
- minimum_genetic_mutation
- minimum_path_sum
- minimum_window_substring
- min_stack
- missing_number
- move_zeroes
- multiply_strings
- next_permutation
- nim_game
- number_of_one_bit
- n_queens
- n_queens_II
- odd_even_linked_list
- palindrome_linked_list
- palindrome_number
- palindrome_partitioning
- palindrome_partitioning_II
- partition_list
- pascals_triangle
- pascals_triangle_II
- path_sum
- path_sum_II
- perfect_squares
- permutations
- permutations_II
- permutation_sequence
- plus_one
- pow
- power_of_four
- power_of_three
- power_of_two
- range_sum_query
- ransom_note
- rectangle_area
- regular_expression_matching
- remove_duplicates_from_sorted_array
- remove_duplicates_from_sorted_array_II
- remove_duplicates_from_sorted_list
- remove_duplicates_from_sorted_list_II
- remove_duplicate_letters
- remove_element
- remove_linked_list_elements
- remove_nth_node_from_end_of_list
- reorder_list
- restore_ip_addresses
- reverse_bits
- reverse_integer
- reverse_linked_list
- reverse_linked_list_II
- reverse_string
- reverse_vowels_of_a_string
- reverse_words_in_a_string
- roman_to_integer
- rotate_array
- rotate_image
- rotate_list
- same_tree
- search_a_2d_matrix
- search_for_a_range
- search_insert_position
- search_in_rotated_sorted_array
- search_in_rotated_sorted_array_II
- set_matrix_zeroes
- shuffle_an_array
- simplify_path
- single_number
- single_number_II
- single_number_III
- sort_colors
- sort_list
- spiral_matrix
- spiral_matrix_II
- sqrt
- strict_jump_game
- string_to_integer
- subsets
- subsets_II
- sudoku_solver
- summary_ranges
- sum_of_two_integers
- sum_root_to_leaf_numbers
- super_pow
- surrounded_regions
- swap_nodes_in_pairs
- symmetric_tree
- third_maximum_number
- total_hamming_distance
- trapping_rain_water
- triangle
- two_sum
- two_sum_II
- ugly_number
- ugly_number_II
- unique_binary_search_tree
- unique_paths
- unique_paths_II
- valid_anagram
- valid_number
- valid_palindrome
- valid_parentheses
- valid_perfect_square
- valid_sudoku
- word_break
- word_ladder
- word_pattern
- word_search
- word_search_II