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Ingy döt Net edited this page Aug 15, 2021 · 5 revisions

The YAML Specification Wiki

The YAML Specification is defined in this GitHub repository.

The YAML 1.2 Specification was last updated in 2009. Between 2001 and 2009 the YAML Creators planned to do much more with the language, such as defining YAML Schema and YAML Path specifications, but the team ran out of steam. Since then YAML usage has continued to grow to become a major component of modern computing. After a few false starts, the current Core Development Team came together starting in 2016, and started meeting weekly in Spring 2020. Work is now actively happening to move the YAML language forward to meet the needs that have become evident over the past 10+ years.

This wiki is being used to clarify various YAML specification topics. Many of these topics belong in the repository itself, but it is faster and easier to put information here first until the topics are fully vetted and finalized.

That is to say, anything presented here is SUBJECT TO CHANGE. That said, the content is written to be as helpful as possible with what we know today.

Current topics are:

Note: If you came here from link that currently has no page, the older deprecated wiki content was removed but it still in the git history. Clone and checkout the deprecated-2020-wiki-content tag to see the old content.

Clone this wiki locally