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Kyaw Tun edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 1 revision

How to use the library

YDN-DB is a pure javascript and hence simple include a pre-build file, such as ydn.db-dev.js in this page, to your HTML document before using the library. Pre-build files are available in download section. Any one of the file will do and only one file is required. Each file are built for specified feature set. For more details about these files, see in setup article.

{% include modules/remember.liquid title="Tip" inline=true text=page.notes.console %}

Database connection

A simple way to initialize a database is by specifying a database name.

db = new ydn.db.Storage('db-name');
db.put('store-name', {message: 'Hello world!'}, 'id1');
db.get('store-name', 'id1').always(function(record) {

The storage instance, ydn.db.Storage, connects to suitable data storage mechanisms ranging from IndexedDB to WebSQL to localStore depending on browser. It will open existing database or create a new database with the given database name.

All database operation methods are asynchronous and result are available as a thenble promise object. The resulting promise object accepts two asynchronous functions: done to receive value on successful request and fail to received in case of error. More commonly then method can be used to receive result of both of cases. In case of error, this library always invokes with fail callback with Error object with has name and message for Error name and its description respectively. Generally stack trace, error.stack are available.

Storing data

Use put method to insert a new or update existing record(s).

db.put('store1', {test: 'Hello World!'}, 123).then(function(key) {
}, function(e) {

The first argument is store name. It is object store name in IndexedDB and TABLE name in WebSQL. Since a schema is not given, a table or object store will be created if not exist.

The second argument is record value that we want to store in the database. It should be a simple javascript object ((JSON)[]). A structured clone of the object is stored in the database. A structured clone is similar concept in JSON serialization, but it is more efficient and more powerful. File and Blob are serializable. If the record fail to clone it, underlying database API shall throw uncaught DataCloneError.

The third argument is primary key of the record. A key can be number, string, Date or array of those types. Since we are given primary key separately from the record, it is called out-of-line key.

Use get method to retrieve it by the primary key.

req = db.get('store1', 123);
req.done(function(record) {
}); {


Keys are the most efficient way to retrieve a record. If we don't know the key, we must enumerate the whole store to find it.

Let us add some more records to the store.

var data = [{message: 'a record'}, {message: 'b record'}];
db.putAll('store1', data, ['a', 'b']).always(function(x) {

Notice multiple records are stored by using array of records in single database transaction.

Record values are retrieved by using values database operation method.

db.values('store1').always(function(records) {

We can also retrieve only primary key of the records using keys database operation method.

db.keys('store1').done(function(records) {

In contrast to retrieving record values, key only retrieval is much faster because it obviates record value de-serialization. Key is very important for effective querying, and hence keys should be carefully constructed. In addition to primary key, there is secondary key, which is simply called as index key.

Database Schema

While running the above codes, we modified database schema on creating new stores. It is not preferable in production usage, because modifying database schema is not a trivial process. It need to notified all connections on other tabs including worker thread as well. Additionally we should use a fixed schema through out a web application for consistency.

{% include modules/remember.liquid title="Note" inline=true text=page.notes.schema %}

The database schema from the database connection is retrieved as follow.

db.getSchema(function(schema) {

You will find database version is undefined, since we are not giving a database version. The database is said to be in auto-version mode.

{% include modules/remember.liquid title="Note" inline=true %}

A database schema is define object stores or TABLE(s) in WebSQL. As an example:

var author_store_schema = {
  name: 'author',
  keyPath: 'email', // optional,
  autoIncrement: false, // optional.
  indexes: [
      name: 'born', // optional
      keyPath: 'born',
      unique: false, // optional, default to false
      multiEntry: false // optional, default to false
    }, {
      name: 'company'
    }, {
      name: 'hobby',
      multiEntry: true
  ] // optional, list of index schema as array.
schema = {
  stores: [author_store_schema]

The above schema define one object store. The name of the object store is 'author'. Since keyPath is defined, it is using in-line key. Since autoIncrement is false, all records must have a valid key in its 'email' field attribute. See more detail about database schema article.

The object store 'author' has three secondary indexes, namely 'born', 'company' and 'hobby'. In WebSQL, they are column names of TABLE 'author'. If keyPath is not defined, it is default to name. An example 'author' record will be:

author_1 = {
  email: '[email protected]',
  born: 531763200000,
  first: 'Aaron',
  last: 'Swartz',
  company: 'Reddit',
  hobby: ['programming', 'blogging', 'politics']

If index schema attribute, unique is true, unique constraint is applied on the index key. If unique constraint is void during a database write operation, ConstriantError will be issued.

The index schema attribute, multiEntry is meaningful only for key value of array data type. The index 'hobby' has multiEntry of true, so that each element in of the array hobby are indexed individually.

In addition to 'stores' attribute, database schema take 'version' attribute. If version number is specified, the library will open with the given version. If the client browser do not have or lower than the given version, it will be upgraded as necessary. Client version must not be higher than given version. If client version is the same as given version, the database schema must be similar. If not similar, the library will refuse to connect the database. This library will not work, if schema is not known.

Let us generate some data for querying.

genAuthors = function(n) {
  var out = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    out[i] = {
      first: ydn.testing.randName(),
      last: ydn.testing.randName(),
      born: +(new Date(1900+Math.random()*70, 12*Math.random(), 30*Math.random())),
      email: ydn.testing.randEmail(),
      company: pickOne(companyList),
      hobby: pickMany(hobbyList)
  return out;

db = new ydn.db.Storage('test-2', schema);
var authors = genAuthors(10000);
db.putAll('author', authors).then(
  function(ids) {
    console.log(ids.length + ' authors put.');
  }, function(e) {
    console.log(e.message || e);

Basic query


Use count method to count number of record in a store or a continuous portion o store.

db.count('author').done(function(x) {
  console.log('Number of authors: ' + x);

This is the only aggregate database method provided by the IndexedDB API.


Keys are sorted in the database and hence database query results are always sorted in some way. By default, the following query is sorted by primary key, 'email'.

var key_range = null;
db.from('author').list(10).done(function(records) {

If sorting is required, the sorted field have to be indexed. The following illustrate iterating records sorted by 'born' date field, one of the three indexed fields.

db.from('author').order('born').list(10).done(function(records) {
db.from('author').order('born').reverse().list(10).done(function(records) {

The following example retrieve list of unique hobbies.

db.from('author').select('hobby').unique(true).list().done(function(hobby) {


The primary way of filtering is query by key range. More sophisticated filtering are iterated merging of key range results. We dedicate these sophisticated filtering on query section.

The following query finds authors born in 1942 February.

var lower = + new Date(1942, 1, 1); // 1942 February 1
var upper = + new Date(1942, 2, 1); // 1942 March 1
db.from('author').where('born', '>=', lower, '<', upper).list().done(function(records) {
  console.log(records); {
    console.log(x.first + ' ' + x.last + ' ' + new Date(x.born));


Use open method to update records.

var iter = new ydn.db.ValueIterator('author', ydn.db.KeyRange.starts('a'));
var mode = 'readwrite';
var updated = 0;
var deleted = 0; {
  var author = cursor.getValue();
  if ( == 'Oracle') {
    cursor.clear().done(function(e) {
  } else if (author.category != 'A') {
    author.category = 'A';
    cursor.update(author).done(function(e) {
}, iter, mode).then(function() {
  console.log(updated + ' records updated, ' + deleted + ' deleted.');