Connect to multiple peers and play/analyze on a shared Goban. This is a proof of concept and I hope that all functionalities will eventually be integrated into Sabaki. Try it out here.
First, you connect to a server to see who's there. Then, peers share the game tree with each other peer-to-peer. There's no centralized server that saves your game. We use WebRTC, so all communication between peers are encrypted.
- Connect to other people peer-to-peer
- Play a game or analyze games together in real time
- Chat with other peers
- Upload SGF files
- Download game as an SGF file
- Follow a peer to see what they see
- Right-click to highlight vertices to signal peers what you're looking at
Building requires Node.js and npm. First, clone this repository and install all the dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd p2p-goban
$ npm install
Start a signalhub
server with npx:
$ npx signalhub listen -p 51624
Open config.example.json
, add the URL to your signalhub
server, http://localhost:51624
in this example, and save it under config.json
For development, use the following command to create a bundle automatically while you edit files:
$ npm run watch
For production, use the following command instead:
$ npm run build
Open index.html
in a modern browser.
- Shudan - A highly customizable, low-level Preact Goban component.
- go-board - A Go board data type.
- crdt-gametree - A conflict-free replicated game tree data type.
- sgf - A library for parsing and creating SGF files.