The ordina aws console:
Log in with your ordina account and be sure to set the region to eu-west-1.
Create s3 bucket
- Name it "YOUR_NAME-aws-workshop-frontend" with your name as the prefix.
- Unblock all public access so the bucket is publicly available.
- Go to your bucket and edit the permissions. Add the following policy.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Principal": "*", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_NAME-aws-workshop-frontend", "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_NAME-aws-workshop-frontend/*" ] } ] }
- Enable Static website hosting in the properties with index.html as the Index document.
Create coudfront distribution (takes a while, 25min)
- Select the frontend s3 bucket as the origin domain. The other defaults are fine.
Create dynamodb table
- Name it "YOUR_NAME-aws-workshop-jokes" with your name as the prefix.
- Partition key is your primary key, so it should be the id. Keep the rest default or empty.
- After the table is created go to your table and view items. Then create item, and start cracking some jokes. Be sure to use the following attributes: id, joke, vote (all lowercase). The vote attribute should be "EMPTY" for every joke.
Create 2 lambdas
- Paste the code from the lambda folder to the corresponding lambda and DEPLOY.
- In the configuration tab we add an environment variable TABLE_NAME with the name of your previously created table.
Give lambdas permission to read from the table (steps for both lambdas)
- During the creation of the lambda aws also created an Execution role and attached it to the lambda. We can find the role through the lambda interface. (Your lambda > Configuration tab > permissions)
- Add this statement to the existing policy. Replace TABLE_ARN with your table arn. (Your table > Overview > Additional info)
{ "Statement": [ ... { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:Query", "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem", "dynamodb:Scan" ], "Resource": "TABLE_ARN" } ] }
create an api-gateway (REST API)
- It should have 2 resources "get" and "vote". Don't forget to enable CORS!
- Add a get method to the get resource, and a post resource to the vote resource
- Attach the lambdas
Deploy the API (actions > Deploy API)
- Create a new stage: "jokes"
compile frontend and add files to s3 frontend bucket
- Set REACT_APP_BACKEND variable inside the frontend/.env file with the Invoke URL from the api gateway.
- npm install inside the frontend folder
- npm run build inside the frontend folder
clean up the following resources:
- the s3 frontend bucket (delete all files first)
- the cloudfront distribution
- the dynamodb table
- both lambdas (will automatically delete the policies attached to them)
- the api gateway