This neovim plugin allows you to display a tooltip positioned at given row and column.
It can be used in conjunction with tools like LanguageClient-neovim to show useful information about the text around the cursor.
Your terminal emulator needs to set the WINDOWID
environment variable. Most of the modern terminals do this.
This plugin will also work inside tmux.
Notice: This plugin is mostly a Proof-of-Concept
You need those python modules:
- PyGObject
- cairo
- python-xlib
Other dependencies:
- Gtk
- Pango
To show the tooltip:
" text can contain pango markup, see
" position of the cursor can be retrieved with screenrow() and screencol()
call ShowTooltip(<row>, <column>, <text>)
To hide the tooltip:
call HideTooltip()
" Border width
let g:tooltip_border_width = 2
" Background color"
let g:tooltip_background = "black"
" Text color
let g:tooltip_foreground = "white"