Smart Fitness Assistant is a persional trainer virtual assistant on Android based on IBM Waston Assistant, Discovery, Speech-to-Text, and Text-to-Speech. It uses real-time conversation mode to provide users with daily information about RPAC and step-by-step guide for exercise. Note: Recreation and Physical Activity Center (RPAC) is the largest gym in The Ohio State University.
05/16/2019: The beginning of the project.
05/30/2019: Build the basic chat app.
06/04/2019: Embed the smart chatbot.
06/11/2019: Enhanced the chat UI.
06/20/2019: Added exercise database
07/06/2019: Enabled the Voice Mode
07/17/2019: Built the wake word "Hi Steve"
07/23/2019: Separated long guides to provide step-by-step guide.
07/25/2019: Final presentation to clients
ACE Fitness:
Smart Fitness does not have a dedicated support team so you’ll typically find that you receive a response more quickly by asking your question in the StackOverFlow.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.