keep your ssh connection survive from network fluctuation or wifi switching
Inspired by
It work as a relay-connection between ssh-client and ssh-server.
[ssh server]
relay-client ---- relay-connection ---- relay-server
[ssh client]
the relay-client & relay-server fake a persistent connection,
quietly reconnect and never noitfy ssh-client/ssh-server.
GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=$PWD go build -o ssh-keep-c client.go
GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=$PWD go build -o ssh-keep-s server.go
then got
- ssh-keep-c //the client side, ssh proxy cmd
- ssh-keep-s //the server side, ssh relay
connect to your real ssh server :22. and listen on a tcp port (:2021 for example, wait for client connect)
Run manually
./ssh-keep-s -server -listen :2021
OR Use systemd service:
sudo cp -pv ssh-keep-s /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp -pv ssh-keep.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start ssh-keep.service
#auto start
sudo systemctl enable ssh-keep.service
ssh -o ProxyCommand='ssh-keep-c --server %h:2021 2>/dev/null' your_ssh_server
or put it into ssh_config
## setup a ssh-keep client
Host your_ssh_server
ProxyCommand ssh-keep-c --server %h:2021 2>/dev/null
# Tell ssh don't kill connection when alive msg timeout
# (Useful when PC suspend/hibernate/offline hours)
ServerAliveInterval 0
TCPKeepAlive no
//then it can also work as a jump host (get the benefit of stable connection)
## other can use it as a jump host
Host other_ssh_server
ProxyJump your_ssh_server
when lose connect with server, you can't exit by Ctrl+D
//that's bash exit key, but you lose connection with it.
Enter ~ .
to exitEnter ~ ?
for help
//that's ssh key.