xcron is a distributed task system based on raft
. it still need to be durable optimize for it's performance.中文
easy be used by it's served http api
support instance task (will be trigger once in future time) & task format like
linux crontab
dispatcher task with planB in cluster mode when one server accidentally downtime
based on raft to increment avaliable and the stable running of task in cluster mode
# 1.clone the program in your work directory
git clone https://github.com/alwaysthanks/xcron.git
# 2. run command belong under the program root path to build the server
bash build.sh
# 3. change the config file 'xcron.toml' if you need.
# - one machine is just to run
# - in cluster mode, you should change 'xcron,toml' like example:
# peer_hosts = ["","",""]
# 4. run server
the system designed architecture:
the http api based on HTTP content-type as "application/json"
- api:/xcron/createTask
- method:POST
- params:
param | type | must | description |
type | int | Y | enum,the type of task: 1: periodicity time task ; 2:regular time task |
format | string | Y | when type=1, the format can use linux crontab when type=2, the format is unix timestamp, unit: second |
callback | callback_table | Y | when the task running, it's callback info, as below callback_table: |
param | type | must | description |
url | string | Y | callback http url through HTTP POST in protocol content-type of application/json when the task running |
body | map<k>v | N | this param will be as the http json body when call the url above mentioned |
- returns:
param | type | description |
uuid | string | the unique request generated by system |
code | int | when code equal 0 mean success. vice versa. |
message | string | when code not equal 0, the param expresses the reason |
data | data_table | response data of the request, as below data_table: |
param | type | description |
task_id | string | the unique task id in the system |
- returns example:
"uuid": "80eb2fb8-2724-4707-9484-8e7d07b9171d",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"task_id": "289057701458138645"