Library to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet according to the BIP44 standard.
Internally it uses bitcore for the deterministic private and public keys which allows to use many additional features like deriving Ethereum address from mnemonic backups (BIP32).
npm install ethereum-bip44
Create a new wallet:
var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib');
var EthereumBip44 = require('ethereum-bip44');
// create a new master private key
var key = bitcore.HDPrivateKey();
// create the hd wallet
var wallet = new EthereumBip44(key);
// output the first address
// output the second address
Initialize from an existing private seed:
var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib');
var EthereumBip44 = require('ethereum-bip44');
// create the hd wallet
var wallet = EthereumBip44.fromPrivateSeed('xprv9s21ZrQH143K4BX2reUURqR54XkNhbNkFhEiRQqFkzu5z7T1dp9eMGozFTgKVu5Bs6R8Wd8BuhcJ3rj3LvzJvkc9uBc5xdhstRfJgcTLsjk');
// output the first address
// output the second address
Initialize it from a public seed, for example on hot wallets that don't hold private keys:
var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib');
var EthereumBip44 = require('ethereum-bip44');
var key = new bitcore.HDPrivateKey();
var derivedPubKey = key.derive("m/44'/60'/0'/0").hdPublicKey;
// create the hd wallet
var wallet = EthereumBip44.fromPublicSeed(derivedPubKey.toString());
// output the first address
// output the second address
Note: You need to use a derived public key like shown here, otherwise it won't allow to derive hardened keys.