Telegram bot for
The bot needs a direct connection to the Telegram API servers (surprise!), and recently in some countries it does not work very well. Therefore, we recommend installing the bot on hosting outside these countries
At first you need to create your own Telegram bot
As a result you'll obtain your authorization token for bot. It's your TG_TOKEN (see bellow)
Find your bot and start chat with him. You will need it to test he is working well
Then you need to obtain API_KEY from site
Then clone this repo: git clone
You can run bot at this point with some python virtual environments magic, but we suggest you to use docker for that
Install docker/docker compose
Copy .env.sample to .env and place it near the docker-compose.yaml
Edit .env file and place TG_TOKEN and API_KEY.
Run bot with docker-compose up
and send /chat_id
command to chat with bot included.
You'll get chat id (negative for group chats, and positive for direct)
Place it as a value to TG_CHAT_IDS (and TG_CHAT_NOTICE_IDS if needed)
You can add more than one chat_id there: use commas to separate them in this case
Place following variables to .env file near the docker-compose.yaml
ENV name | Required | Description |
TG_TOKEN | yes | Your's bot telegram token. Ask @BotFather for it |
TG_CHAT_IDS | yes | Only this chats/contacts will be able to interact with bot. Comma-separated list |
TG_CHAT_NOTICE_IDS | no | Only this chats/contacts will be noticed about polled events. Comma-separated list |
API_KEY | yes | API key obtained from (settings/api) |
DEBUG | no | Verbosity output. True or False (default) |
DAYS_TO_TRACK | no | Track orders created not earlier than DAYS_TO_TRACK days. Default: 30 |
MENTION_USER_FLAG | no | Try to mention telegram user on status change. You need to specify telegram id in remononline notes tg:[id] |
Command | Restricted | Description |
/get_orders, /go | yes | Get list of orders or details about exact order (if order label passed) |
/clients, /cl | yes | Get list of clients |
/chat_id | no | Get current chat id. Use it to define TG_CHAT_IDS and/or TG_CHAT_NOTICE_IDS |
/statuses | yes | Get list of possible order statuses |
mkdir -p /etc/docker/compose/remonline
cp docker-compose.yaml /etc/docker/compose/remonline/
cp .env /etc/docker/compose/remonline/
/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
Description=%i service with docker compose
# Remove old containers, images and volumes. Always pull new image
ExecStartPre=/bin/docker-compose down -v
ExecStartPre=/bin/docker-compose rm -fv
ExecStartPre=/bin/docker-compose pull
ExecStartPre=-/bin/bash -c 'docker volume ls -qf "name=%i_" | xargs docker volume rm'
ExecStartPre=-/bin/bash -c 'docker network ls -qf "name=%i_" | xargs docker network rm'
ExecStartPre=-/bin/bash -c 'docker ps -aqf "name=%i_*" | xargs docker rm'
# Compose up
ExecStart=/bin/docker-compose up
# Compose down, remove containers and volumes
ExecStop=/bin/docker-compose down -v
Enable and start service
systemctl enable [email protected]
systemctl start [email protected]
There is docker-compose-dev.yaml for local development/testing
Make changes in code and rebuil/run it locally with docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up --force-recreate --build
Make sure you have correct .env on the same dir
Docker Hub: