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JUnit Rule that provides a in-memory database (both H2 and HyperSQL are supported). It is compatible with all known JDBC access libraries such as Spring JDBC, RX-JDBC, sql2o, JDBI or plain old JDBC.


  • because you want to test the SQL code executed by your code without integrating with an actual DB server
  • removes the need of having a database server running and available
  • you are refactoring legacy code where JDBC calls is tightly coupled with your business logic and wants to start by testing the legacy code from the "outside" (as suggested by Michael Feathers)
  • you want to test your database evolutions with either they are maintened using Liquibase or Flyway.


This library is distributed through the Sonatype OSS repo and should thus be widely available.

Version Java version JUnit version H2 version HSQLDB version Branch Status
2.2.X 17 4.13/5.X 2.1.X 2.7.x master active
2.1.X 11 4.13/5.X 2.1.X 2.7.0 release-2.1.x maintenance
2.0.X 8.0 4.12/5.X 1.4.200 2.5.0 release-2.0.x obsolete
1.1.X 8.0 4.12 1.4.200 2.4.0 release-1.1.x obsolete
1.0 1.7 4.12 1.4.196 N/A release-1.x obsolete

The versions that is described in this table are minimum versions. Later versions may be used but is currently not tested by the maintainer.


Add dependency


For JUnit 5 Jupiter


For JUnit 4.X

Liquibase plugin

If you want to use the Liquibase plugin:

Flyway plugin

If you want to use the Flyway plugin:



libraryDependencies += "org.zapodot" % "embedded-db-junit" % "2.1.0" % "test"

Add to Junit test

Junit 5.X Jupiter

Declarative style using annotations
        engine = Engine.HSQLDB,
        initialSqls = "CREATE TABLE Customer(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(512)); "
                    + "INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES (1, 'John Doe')"
class EmbeddedDatabaseExtensionExtendWithTest {

    void testUsingSpringJdbc(final @EmbeddedDatabase DataSource dataSource) {
        final JdbcOperations jdbcOperation = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
        final int id = 2;
        final String customerName = "Jane Doe";
        final int updatedRows = jdbcOperation.update("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES(?,?)", id, customerName);
        assertEquals(1, updatedRows);
        assertEquals(customerName, jdbcOperation.queryForObject("SELECT name from CUSTOMER where id = ?", String.class, id));

    void testUsingConnection(final @EmbeddedDatabase Connection connection) {
         try(final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
             final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * from CUSTOMER")) {

Fluent style using builder and @RegisterExtension
class EmbeddedDatabaseExtensionRegisterExtensionHSQLDBTest {

    static EmbeddedDatabaseExtension embeddedDatabaseExtension = EmbeddedDatabaseExtension.Builder.hsqldb()
                                            .withInitialSql("CREATE TABLE Customer(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(512)); "
                                                          + "INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES (1, 'John Doe')")

    void doDatabaseCall() throws SQLException {
        assertEquals("HSQL Database Engine", embeddedDatabaseExtension.getConnection().getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName());


Junit 4.X

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule dbRule = EmbeddedDatabaseRule
                                        .withInitialSql("CREATE TABLE Customer(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(512)); "
                                                        + "INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES (1, 'John Doe')")

public void testUsingRxJdbc() throws Exception {
    final Database database = Database.from(dbRule.getConnection());
    assertNotNull("SELECT sysdate from DUAL")

    assertEquals("John Doe","select name from customer where id=1")

public void testUsingSpringJdbc() throws Exception {

    final JdbcOperations jdbcOperation = new JdbcTemplate(dbRule.getDataSource());
    final int id = 2;
    final String customerName = "Jane Doe";

    final int updatedRows = jdbcOperation.update("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES(?,?)", id, customerName);

    assertEquals(1, updatedRows);
    assertEquals(customerName, jdbcOperation.queryForObject("SELECT name from CUSTOMER where id = ?", String.class, id));


public void testUsingConnectionUrl() throws Exception {

    try(final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(embeddedDatabaseRule.getConnectionJdbcUrl())) {
        try(final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
            final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * from CUSTOMER")
        ) {


Read initial SQL from a file resource (v >= 0.5)

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseRule = 

public void testWithInitialSQL() throws Exception {
    try (final Connection connection = embeddedDatabaseRule.getConnection()) {

        try (final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
             final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * from PEOPLE")) {




In the example above a "classpath:" URI has been used to specify the location of the SQL file. All URIs that are supported by H2's Pluggable File System is supported.

Use Liquibase changelog to populate the test database (v >= 0.6)

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseRule = EmbeddedDatabaseRule

public void testFindRolesInsertedByLiquibase() throws Exception {
    try(final Connection connection = embeddedDatabaseRule.getConnection()) {
        try(final PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("Select * FROM ROLE r INNER JOIN USERROLE ur on r.ID = ur.ROLE_ID INNER JOIN USER u on ur.USER_ID = u.ID where u.NAME = ?")) {
            statement.setString(1, "Ada");
            try(final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
                final List<String> roles = new LinkedList<>();
                while( {
                assertEquals(2, roles.size());


Use Flyway to populate the test database (v >= 1.0)

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseRule = 
                                   new FlywayInitializer.Builder()

public void checkMigrationsHasRun() throws Exception {
    try (final Connection connection = embeddedDatabaseRule.getConnection();
         final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
         final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM USER")) {

Multiple data sources in the same test class

If you need more than one database instance in your test class, you should name them using the "withName" construct. If not set the rule builder will generate the name using the name of the test class

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseMysqlRule =

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseMsSqlServerRule =


Please consult the wiki.
