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Open Zeo - Android Mobile API

Author: Zeo Inc.
Date: 2011-11-28

Welcome to the home of the Open Zeo Android Mobile API which is a specification and helper software for interfacing your Android applications with Zeo Mobile Sleep Manager's data store. Here you will find a contract, and sample applications for interfacing that you can use to base your projects upon.

For the impatient please see the Quickstart instructions on how to interface with the Zeo data. From there look at this documents sections on zeo sleep data, sleep event/episode, headband sleep records, and headbands for further details about the data offered up by the provider.

  1. Make sure Zeo Sleep Manager is installed on Android device and has accumulated sleep data.
  2. Add the Android library ZeoDataContract.jar to your project.

#. Add to your AndroidManifest.xml the following permission

<uses-permission android:name="com.myzeo.permission.READ_SLEEP_RECORDS"/>

#. Attempt to query the data provider for zq scores of all sleep records from within an activity

import static;
// ...
String[] projection = new String[] {SleepRecord.ZQ_SCORE};
final Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(SleepRecord.CONTENT_URI,
                                                 projection, null, null, null);
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
    do {
        Log.d(TAG, "Zq score of: " + cursor.getInt(0));
    } while (cursor.moveToNext());
} else {
    Log.w(TAG, "No sleep records found.");
Download the this project from github via::
git clone git://

and either copy the to a correct package directory layout within your own source tree OR include the android library project into your build system. Information on including android library projects is found in Android documentation for Managing Projects from Eclipse [1] and Managing Projects from the Command Line [2].

The Zeo data content provider utilizes the content authority "ZeoDataContract.BASE_CONTENT_AUTHORITY" and houses five static classes containing information useful for analyzing zeo data; presented in the following image.

SleepRecord, AlarmAlertEvent, AlarmSnoozeEvent, and AlarmTimeoutEvent join with SleepEpisode

All of the static classes contain a Uri member field named CONTENT_AUTHORITY which allows access to content for that table in the provider. An example of this is say:


The Zeo data provider works similar to other data providers in that usage of:

ContentUris.withAppendedId(ZeoDataContract.SleepRecord.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, 2);

will access sleep record with primary key (BaseColumns._ID) number of 2 as expected.

Table Description
SleepEpisode The joining table for all aspects of a particular sleep episode. Data sources for a sleep episode are currently Zeo headband sent information but at some later date might include other information.
SleepRecord Data records sent by a Zeo headband or culled from the website. Regardless of the source of these records; this data represents information that Zeo recorded and processed from user's brain activity. Please note that a more correct name for this would be headband sleep record.
Headband Represents the state of the Zeo headband be in paired / unpaired, docked / undocked, on head / off head, etc...
AlarmAlertEvent An instance of the Android phone's alarm ringing after an alarm was preconfigured to go off at a certain point OR the alarm is ringing again due to a snooze.
AlarmSnoozeEvent Instance of user pressing the snooze button on the alarm to trigger the alarm pausing temporarily for a user configured amount of time.
AlarmTimeoutEvent Event that marks point in time where alarm ultimately stopped emitting audio as it went unattended for some significant length of time. Alarm timeout is an attempt to prevent annoyance of neighbors due to alarm clock going off with no possibility that someone will stop it.

To read data from the Zeo data provider you must include the READ_SLEEP_RECORDS permission in your manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="com.myzeo.permission.READ_SLEEP_RECORDS"/>

The following section lists data types used within the Zeo data provider.

All Unix timestamps are represented as milliseconds since the Unix epoch which require representation by 64 bit signed integers as natural for the Java programming language. These values are in UTC; use the timezone information to determine the local time for when events occurred.

Zeo defines the following sleep stages for its hypnogram data


A data value representing 30 seconds worth of some samples. This value is upped to 5 minutes in the case of the display hypnogram sleep stages.


Internally sleep episode is currently named sleep_event but will eventually be renamed though the former name will continue to function for an unspecified amount of time after the transition is made; see Semantic Versioning.

A sleep event or sleep episode is a meta joining table that unites various sources of sleep information into a coherent logical collection of data for a given event/episode of sleep. The mapping of real life sleep to Zeo's notion of a sleep episode/event is one to one.

The URI to access the sleep episode data is:

Field Name Type Description
_ID primary key The identifier for the sleep event.
START_OF_NIGHT unix timestamp Timestamp marks the beginning of a sleep episode.
END_OF_NIGHT unix timestamp Timestamp marks the ending of a sleep episode.

The headband sleep table defines records containing sleep data as sent by the Zeo headband during operation. This data is the primary source of sleep information obtained by the app from the headband. As the night progresses the headband continuously updates this data structure with the app updating the existing record with the latest details regarding sleep. Momentary bluetooth interruptions are tolerable as the final record sent from the headband to the app will contain all information accumulated by the headband up to that point in time.

The URI to access headband sleep record data is:

Field Name Type Description
SLEEP_EPISODE_ID foreign key Foreign key pointing to the sleep episode for which this sleep record corresponds to.
AWAKENINGS integer Number of times user awoke throughout the night.
BASE_HYPNOGRAM array of sleep stages Array containing sleep stages where each stage corresponds to 30 seconds of sleep.
DISPLAY_HYPNOGRAM array of sleep stages Array containing sleep stages where each stage corresponds to 5 minutes of sleep.
END_OF_NIGHT unix timestamp Timestamp marks the conclusion of the record.
END_REASON enumerated type

Reason that this sleep record concluded. The possible values are:

0 = Complete record
1 = Record is still active
2 = Headband battery died
3 = Headband disconnected
4 = Service was killed on Android device
HEADBAND_ID foreign key The ID number of the headband that recorded this sleep.
TIME_IN_DEEP epochs Number of 30 second sleep epochs that user was in deep sleep.
TIME_IN_LIGHT epochs Number of 30 second sleep epochs that user was in light sleep.
TIME_IN_REM epochs Number of 30 second sleep epochs that user was in REM sleep.
TIME_IN_WAKE epochs Number of 30 second epochs that user was awake.
TIME_TO_Z epochs Number of 30 second sleep epochs before sleep onset.
TOTAL_Z epochs Number of 30 second sleep epochs that user was asleep.
ZQ_SCORE integer Metric by which Zeo determines how well the user slept.

A timezone string in the form of:


that represents timezone Android device was in when record was recorded.

START_OF_NIGHT unix timestamp Timestamp marks the beginning of the record.
END_OF_NIGHT unix timestamp Timestamp marks the end of the record.

The originating source for this record one of:

0 = data source is primary (a headband)
1 = data source is remote server (

Representation of the state of the Zeo headband which is gathered form the communication messaging system that occurs between the Android device and the headband.

The URI to access headband sleep record data is:

Field Name Type Description

The current mode of the sleep algorithm running on headband which is one of:

-1 = undefined mode
 0 = mode idle
 1 = tentative active (starting up)
 2 = actively recording sleep
 3 = tentative idle (shutting down)

String representation bluetooth 48 bit address in the form of:


which is natural for feeding to Android BluetoothDevice.

BLUETOOTH_FRIENDLY_NAME string Bluetooth name shown to the user.
BONDED boolean Headband is bonded to the Android device.
CLOCK_OFFSET milliseconds number of milliseconds offset between Android device's notion of time versus the headband's.
CONNECTED boolean Whether or not the headband is current connected to the Android device.
DOCKED boolean Flag that indicates headband is docked on the charger.
ON_HEAD boolean Flag indicates that headband is on the user's head; false otherwise.
SW_VERSION string The version of the firmware running on the headband.

An instance of the alarm ringing either due to alarm time, smart wake, or alarm after snooze.

URI to access the alarm alert events is:

Field Name Type Description
SLEEP_EPISODE_ID foreign key Foreign key pointing to the sleep episode for which this alert correspond to.

Reason the alarm rang populated when smart wake is enabled. This is the reason the headband thought to wake user. Value is:

0 = No reason for ring (alarm rang on time)
1 = User rising out of deep sleep
2 = User went from non-REM to REM sleep
3 = User went from rem to non-rem sleep
4 = User was already awake so the alarm rang.
SMART_WAKE boolean Flag indicates user requested that Zeo use its smart wake capabilities to try to wake up user at most optimum time.
TIMESTAMP unix timestamp The Unix timestamp marking when the alarm went off.
WAKE_TONE string

A string that indicates what wake music was used to awake the user. This can be either Zeo music or Android ringtones. Zeo Music is URI with content authority:


Standard Android ringtone is:

WAKE_WINDOW integer The number of minutes prior to the alarm time that the user configured the alarm to possibly awake them when smart wake is enabled.

Alarm snooze is a recording of the user snoozing the actively ringing alarm. The duration (minutes) that the alarm snoozes was preconfigured by the user for the alarm that went off (Zeo supports multiple alarms). Records of this type store that information along with when the alarm was snoozed for potential future analysis.

Content Uri for accessing snooze data is:

Field Name Description
SLEEP_EPISODE_ID Foreign key pointing to the sleep episode for which this snooze correspond to.
DURATION Number of minutes the alarm was set to snooze after user triggered snooze.
TIMESTAMP Unix timestamp in milliseconds that represents the time when user pressed the snooze button.

Alarm timeout is when the alarm rang for a number of minutes and then automatically silenced itself to prevent an unattended alarm from ringing until someone silences it or the Android device's battery dies. This setting is user configurable per an alarm and records of this table capture an occurrence of alarm timeout.

Content URI for accessing alarm timeout information is:

Field Name Description
SLEEP_EPISODE_ID Foreign key pointing to the sleep episode for which this timeout correspond to.
DURATION Number of minutes the alarm rang before it automatically silenced due to lack of user intervention.
TIMESTAMP Uni timestamp when the alarm silenced itself due to timeout.


Open Zeo - Android Mobile Data API






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