Trojan written in modern C++(>=20).
trojan -l <addr> -p <port> -k <password> -a <cert> -b <key>
-d daemonize
-n <nofile> set nofile limit
gcc >= 11 / clang >= 13
openssl 1.1.1
cmake >= 3.19
asio >= 1.22
- TROJAN_USE_UDP (OFF): enable udp support
- STATIC_STD (ON): static-link libgcc/libstdc++
- STATIC_BIN (OFF): static-link all libraries if possible
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd modern-trojan
Install dependencies with vcpkg
git clone
vcpkg/vcpkg integrate install
vcpkg/vcpkg install asio
vcpkg/vcpkg install fmt
vcpkg/vcpkg install range-v3
Generate makefile and build:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Strip symbols:
strip trojan
*Note: libgcc/libstdc++ are statically-linked. To have them dynamically-linked you can add -DSTATIC_STD=OFF
when generating the makefile.
To build a pure statically linked binary, we need to link trojan against musl-libc, instead of glibc. And we also need to build openssl as a static library (libssl.a, libcrypto.a).
We can have these things done smoothly with the help of docker containers. See docker/static.Dockerfile
Setup build environment:
docker build . -t build-static -f static.Dockerfile
Enter docker container(share this folder):
docker run -it -v "${PWD}":"/trojan" build-static /bin/sh
Generate makefile and build:
mkdir build-musl && cd build-musl
cmake -DSTATIC_BIN=ON ..
make -j
Strip symbols:
strip trojan
Or combine these commands in one line:
docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":"/trojan" \
build-static \
sh -c "cd trojan && mkdir build-musl && cd build-musl \
&& cmake -DSTATIC_BIN .. \
&& make -j \
&& strip trojan"