This is the official implementation of "Unsupervised Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Pan-sharpening". The paper is accepted to TGRS2022.
This environment is mainly based on python=3.6 with CUDA=10.2
conda create -n ucgan python=3.6
conda activate ucgan
conda install pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision=0.2.2 cudatoolkit=10.2
pip install mmcv==1.2.7
conda install gdal=3.1.0 -c conda-forge
conda install scikit-image=0.17.2
pip install scipy==1.5.3
pip install gpustat==0.6.0
pip install numba==0.53.1
pip install einops==0.3.0
pip install timm==0.3.2
pip install sewar==0.4.4
Due to the large size of the dataset, we only provide some samples in './data' to verify the code.
conda activate ucgan
python -c configs/
You can modify the config file 'configs/' for different purposes.
Consider cite UCGAN in your publications if it helps your research.
title={Unsupervised Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Pan Sharpening},
author={Zhou, Huanyu and Liu, Qingjie and Weng, Dawei and Wang, Yunhong},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},