A library to transform events into sounds
RacKet is a library for transforming data events into audio. The purpose of this library is to provide a simiple and usuable tool that empowers developers and scientists to hear their data. This could be useful in multiple ways:
- Bring your attention to a process running in the background. Think of it as an advanced bell feature that is availible at run time instead of at the completion of a process.
- Find clusters or paterns of events in a large data set.
- token replacement might be useful. Use language instead of tones
- a data event that makes a threshold could fire multiple sounds to give a better context
# pre requisites for pygame
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
# smpeg is at tap homebrew/headonly
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg
pip install hg+http://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame
# install open cv
brew tap homebrew/science
# this is kinda big
brew install opencv
cd SoundEngine/
python SoundEngine.py ../resources/config.json
# stop with ctrl-C
cd ../DataProcessor
python VideoClient.py ../resources/config.json
start at the root of the project and run ipython or python
In python you can run the following script
# See DataProcessor.py for the csv data client
from DataProcessor import DataProcessor
# instantiate a data processor client
# use the import_csv_file method to load the data
# send the data to the server