We all stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us.
A test project where I combine a few technologies and automation.
This project uses Github actions. Both scheduled and when this project updates (on push).
The project runs Github actions and updates the files avanza_data.json
and Skandia_data_filtered.json
, every Monday to Friday at 18:00.
The web pages is to verify that the fetch has runned as scheduled.
Figure out how to "store" history data, to improve the filtered information. A few solutions might be:
Store each weeks data to a separate json file.
Try to figure out how to get the relevant information from the json-data (the information is there) by analyzing the data.
# Init venv environment
python -m venv venv
# To activate the venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
# To deactivate the environment
For more information https://python.land/virtual-environments/virtualenv
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip list
For more information https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-requirementstxt-explained/
flowchart TD
subgraph Fetch Data
subgraph Fetch from External API
Fetch[Fetch data]:::pink -->|Get request| API(Fund data API)
API:::red --> |json response| Daily(Daily):::green
API --> |json response| Weekly(Weekly):::green
subgraph History ["`**Save history**`"]
Fetch --> Github(Github History data):::blue
Daily --> |Merge new with history| Github
Weekly --> |Merge new with history| Github
Github --> HistoryJSON(History json-file):::blue
HistoryJSON{{Store Max 7 days old data}}
subgraph Current
Aggregate[Aggregate data]
Daily --> |Save as current| Aggregate:::green
Weekly --> |Save as current| Aggregate:::green
Aggregate --> Current_JSON(Aggregated fund json-file):::green
classDef red stroke:#f00
classDef green stroke:#0f0
classDef blue stroke:#00f
classDef pink stroke:#f9f,stroke-width:4px