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Jean-Marc Prieur edited this page Aug 31, 2018 · 1 revision


The Microsoft .NET authentication libraries support scenarios involving Protecting a Web App or API image and Acquiring security tokens for a protected Web API image. Microsoft.IdentityModel.x extensions is only about the former.

For the later see MSAL.NET scenarios

Web Application signing in a user (and possibly calling a Web API in the name of the user)

To protected a Web App (signing in the user) you'll use ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core with the ASP.NET Open ID Connect middleware. Under the hood. This involves validating the token which is done by the IdentityModel extensions for .NET library

If you are interested in then calling an API in the name of the signed-in user see MSAL.NET's scenario Web Application signing in a user and calling a Web API in the name of the user


Web API calling another downstream Web API in the name of the user for whom it was called

If you want your ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core protected Web API to call another Web API on behalf of the user represented by the access token was used to call you API, you will need to:


Signing a client assertion

The two previous scenarios are about validating a security token. In some cases, you will also want to create yourself a security token. That will for example be the case if you want to create a signed client assertion. For more details about client assertions see Client assertion in ADAL.NET

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