This repository contains the scripts for reproducing the plots from my thesis.
The Visium breast cancer sample can be found on the 10xGenomics web- site: The sample used was Human Breast Cancer (Block A Section 1). The file "tissue_lowres_image_annotated.png" should be downloaded from this repo. The second dataset belongs to a paper by Anderson et al. (2021) and also derives from breast cancer samples. The processed count matrices, HE- images and metadata with spot-annotation can be found here: https://zenodo. org/records/4751624. The samples used in this thesis were A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 and H1.
Run "run_tests.R" and specify input and output directory. Run "run_tests_ST.R" for each sample and change "letter" to the current sample. Specify input and output directory. In the output directory, there should be folders named like the samples (e.g. "A1").
Run "calc_R2_spatialplots_visium.R" and look inside the "_R2.csv"-files to find the best smoothing parameters (highest McFaddens R²) for each method. Then, the column from the score dataframe can be selected in the script and used for plotting.
Run "calc_R2_spatialplots_ST.R" (for every sample, change "letter" to current sample) and look inside the "_R2.csv"-files to find the best smoothing parameters for each method. Then, the column from the score dataframe can be selected in the script and used for plotting.
Look into the F1-plots for every method and choose the best-scoring smoothing paramters. Specify the column numbers at the bottom of the script (run_test.R) for plotting "F1_best".
Run "script_accuracy_calc_Visium.R". Adjust filepaths. Choose df columns for the smoothing parameters with best McFaddens R².
Run "calc_R2_spatialplots_visium.R" and "calc_R2_spatialplots_ST.R" (for each sample) and look inside the "_R2.csv"-files to find the best R²-score for each method per sample. Then run "plot_R2.R" with those values.
Run "accuracy_ST.R"