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File: README $Revision: 290 $ $Date: 2007-03-04 22:01:54 -0800 (Sun, 04 Mar 2007) $


This directory contains the source code for BCLS, a package for solving bound-constrained least squares problems:

minimize     1/2 r'r  +  1/2 mu x'x  +  c'x
  x,r                                               (*)
subject to   Ax + r = b,  l <= x <= u.

The m-by-n matrix A can be any shape, though BCLS is most efficient when m >= n. The regularization (damping) parameter mu may be zero (but not negative!). The linear term c may also be zero. The vectors l and u describe upper and lower bounds on the variables x. Some (or all) components of l and u may be -infinity and +infinity, respectively.

BCLS implements a projected descent method. Each search direction is a combination of a Newton step and a steepest descent step. These are computed by solving a (usual) least-squares problem using LSQR. Some notable features of the implementation:

  • The matrix A is only used as an operator, i.e., the user needs to provide the matrix-vector products A*x and A'*y.

  • The normal equations are never formed.

  • The active-set method can take advantage of good solution estimates.

The ability to warm-start a problem using an estimate of the solution is especially useful when a sequence of problems needs to be solved, and each is a small perturbation of the previous problem.

The remainder of this README assumes that BCLS has been unpacked and that the current working directory is the top level of the BCLS distribution, which we refer to as "./" or $BCLS.


All access to the matrix A is made through the user-supplied routine Aprod with the prototype:

int Aprod( int mode, int m, int n, int nix, int ix[], double x[], double y[], void *ptrA );

At each call to Aprod, BCLS will set the variable "mode" to describe if a product with A or with A' is required:

If      mode == 1,  compute  y = A *x,  with  x  untouched;
and if  mode == 2,  compute  x = A'*y,  with  y  untouched.

The integers m and n describe the number of rows and columns in A, and also the lengths of the vectors y and x, respectively.

This is important! Only some columns of A are needed for any given matrix-vector multiply. The vector of indices ix (with length nix) describes which columns of A should contribute. In other words, Aprod should return

if mode == 1,  y = A(:, ix) * x(ix),       where  len(ix) = nix

(using Matlab notation). In fact, many of the calls to Aprod have nix = 1, so that only a single column of A is required.

On the other hand,

if mode == 2,  x(ix) = A(:, ix)' * y,   where  len(ix) = nix.

However, BCLS will simply ignore elements of x that are not indexed by ix, so that the call to Aprod with mode == 2 is not as critical the mode == 1 call.

See the routine "Aprod" in ./examples/bcsol.c for an example of how to code this routine.


If all the prerequisites are installed on your system, then in theory (see PREREQUISITES below) you should only have to type

./configure make make install

Normally, machine-specific BLAS should be used when linking the BCLS libraries against your application. The reference BLAS libraries are used to get things going out-of-the-box.

If a Matlab MEX interface is needed, then additionally type

cd matlab make

(Note that this compilation uses the BLAS and CBLAS libraries supplied by Matlab's default installation.)


To compile BCLS, you need

  1. A C compiler. The BCLS sources are written in ISO (C99) conforming C.

  2. GNU make. Probably other versions of make will work with the provided Makefile's, but I haven't tried them. If you don't have GNU Make, do yourself a favor: get it!

  3. Optional: Reference BLAS (and its C interface, CBLAS) are provided in this distribution. But a machine-specific implementation will be much more efficient.

  4. Optional: Matlab. A Matlab MEX interface to BCLS is provided.


A commandline interface to BCLS is provided in the directory ./examples:


Peruse the source code for bcsol. It provides an example of how BCLS can be linked to a stand-alone application, and it exercises most of BCLS's options.

The solver ./examles/bcsol reads a matrix A and a right-hand-side b that are stored in Harwell-Boeing format. A file

NOTE: By default, this executable is linked to the dynamic library ./lib/ You may have to tell your dynamic link loader where to find the file by setting an environment variable:

 Bash under Linux:

 Bash under OSX (Mac):

An example of calling bcsol on a problem such as (*):

 ./bcsol -O well1033.bnd -s "luxc" well1033.rra

The commandline switches are

 -O well1033.bnd   The file that contains data describing the
                   upper and lower bounds (l, u),
                   the linear term (c), and a solution estimate (x).

 -s "lucx"         Describes the vectors that are present in the
                   optional data file "well1033.bnd", and their
                   storage order.

 well1033.rra      A Harwell-Boeing data file that stores the
                   matrix A and the right-hand-side b.

If, for example, we wish to omit the linear term and the starting vector, then we could use the commandline switch

 -s "lu"


A Matlab MEX interface can be found under the directory


To compile the interface, first make sure that the variable MEX has been defined in ./Makefiles.defs. Then

  cd matlab
  make mex

From the Matlab prompt, do

  >> addpath $BCLS/matlab
  >> help bcls

to add bcls.m (the wrapper to the actual mex interface bclsmex.c) and get the bcls.m documentation. Do

  >> test

to test the interface.


  1. Preconditioning

The main outstanding item is the ability to precondition the LS subproblems. At the moment it isn't possible to precondition if bounds are present. The goal is to provide the ability to precondition each subproblem separately as

minimize || Abar U^{-1} y - b || y

where Abar is a submatrix formed from the columns of A, and U is a preconditioner provided by the users. (For example, the matrix U might be derived from an incomplete LU factorization of A.)

  1. Inexact Newton

Subproblem optimimality tolerances are probably still too tight. Need to implement a dynamic optimality tolerance strategy based on Inexact Newton.


Michael P. Friedlander Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia [email protected]


Fork of with a CMake build system



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