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Help System

commy2 edited this page Oct 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

CBA provides journal entries for CBA key assignments, Author and Credits system, and more.

Remove Diary Entries

Since CBA_A3 v3.13.0, the CBA Help diary subject or the individual diary records can be deleted using:

// init.sqf
0 spawn {
    waitUntil {!isNil "cba_help_DiaryRecordAddons"};

    // delete whole subject
    player removeDiarySubject "cba_help_docs";

    // or delete individual records
    player removeDiaryRecord ["cba_help_docs", cba_help_DiaryRecordKeys];
    player removeDiaryRecord ["cba_help_docs", cba_help_DiaryRecordCredits];
    player removeDiaryRecord ["cba_help_docs", cba_help_DiaryRecordAddons];