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BluebonnetSK edited this page May 25, 2021 · 26 revisions

Installs the Cloudbox Community repository for extended functionality.

NOTE: It is assumed that you already have Cloudbox installed and configured.

Install / Update Community Repo

Run the following commands:

cd ~/cloudbox; git fetch &> /dev/null; git reset --hard @{u} &> /dev/null; sudo ansible-playbook cloudbox.yml --tags community

This will clone the repo into /opt/community, symlink the folder to ~/community, and add the necessary vault_password_file line to /opt/community/ansible.cfg.

Change / Update branches

Master is the only branch of Community and is what is installed from the code above. Community used to have both a Master and Develop branch, but the Develop branch has been removed. Run the below to update from the previous Develop to the current Master branch.

master branch

cd ~/community; git fetch &> /dev/null; git checkout master &> /dev/null; git reset --hard @{u} &> /dev/null

Installing individual apps, or "tags"

Once the setup has been done as described above, This works in the same way as Cloudbox itself:

cd ~/community && sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags "TAG"

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