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Chaz Larson edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 6 revisions


You need three things at a minimum:

  1. Plex URL [ for cloudbox http://plex:32400 ]
  2. Plex Token [ run /opt/scripts/plex/ in a terminal ]
  3. TMDB API Key [ get this at the TMDB site; it's free ]

Gather those things first.

Initial setup

Run the tag one time. It will fail with an error about your config file.

cd ~/community && sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags plex-meta-manager

Go to the data dir and make a copy of the stock config:

cd /opt/plex-meta-manager/config
cp config.yml.template config.yml

Edit the file:

nano config.yml

and put in the three things above:

plex:                                           # Can be individually specified per library as well
  url:                   <<< HERE
  token: ####################                      <<< HERE
  timeout: 60
  clean_bundles: false
  empty_trash: false
  optimize: false
  apikey: ################################         <<< AND HERE
  language: en

At the top of the file, change the library names [Movies, TV Shows, Anime] to match yours if need be:

libraries:                                      # Library mappings must have a colon (:) placed after them
          - file: config/Movies.yml
          - git: meisnate12/MovieCharts
          - git: meisnate12/Studios
          - git: meisnate12/IMDBGenres
          - git: meisnate12/People
    TV Shows:
          - file: config/TV Shows.yml
          - git: meisnate12/ShowCharts
          - git: meisnate12/Networks
          - file: config/Anime.yml
          - git: meisnate12/AnimeCharts

If you don't have an Anime library, you can delete that section or just ignore the error.

Save that file and run the tag:

cd ~/community && sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags plex-meta-manager

It will complete with a note asking you to run a command to check the config. Do so. Address any problems.

This is of course the bare minimum set up required. There are lots of options you can set in config.yml, all detailed here.

You can define your own collections in local metadata files, which are discussed here.

What's next

That's it. Plex-meta-manager will now run at 3:00 each day [or whatever you set in the settings.yml].

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