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Brian Bingham edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 9 revisions

Image Sonar Notes and Description

The uuv_simulator includes the gazebo_ros_image_sonar.cpp sensor plugin to generate synthetic forward looking sonar observations.

These notes are an attempt to describe both the plugin interface as well as the methods used in the implementation.

See fls_model_standalone for a working example.

Theory of Operation

Conceptually the image generation is based on Gazebo's DepthCameraSensor rasterization which is then transformed to a 2D sonar scan. Below is an outline of the process with more details in the Implementation Description below.


Gazebo's DepthCameraSensor provides the depth buffer (or z-buffer) from the rendering engine. This is done via rasterization (as opposed to ray tracing). Rasterization: A Practical Implementation provides a very nice overview of rasterization vis a vis ray-tracing.


Applies a number of transformations to convert the depth buffer to 2D sonar scan image.

  1. Depth-buffer -> Normal-image: Calculates normalized gradients in x, y and z and stores result as three channel (RBG) image.
  2. Depth-buffer and Normal-image -> Multibeam-image (SNR): Implements sonar equations with arbitrary constants. Target strength is proportional to the z channel of the gradient information from the Normal-image. Removes offset and normalizes the sonar signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Resulting Multibeam-image is value of normalized SNR stored in image plane coordinates and published as an 8-bit monochrome image.
  3. Depth-buffer and Multibeam-image (SNR) -> Raw-scan: Based on intrinsic camera parameters, creates 2D scan perspective (the horizontal slice) from the Multibeam-image (SNR) at the Depth-buffer location. Applies a median filter (dialation) and adds Gaussian speckle noise.
  4. Raw-scan -> Visual-scan: Draws the view (grid-lines and blue background) and applies hard-coded, ad-hoc color map.

History and Background

Origins of this implementation are Cerqueira's "A novel GPU-based sonar simulator for real-time applications", although it is yet to be determined how consistent the current implementation is with this description. An abbreviate summary of the plugin is taken from UUV Simulator Issue #48

  1. Original implementation from the paper, using Gazebo+Rock
  2. KTH, SMARC @nilsbore implementation ( claimed to be an implementation of "A novel GPU-based sonar simulator for real-time applications".
  3. Cherry picking from @nilsbore and @NickSadjoli was committed to uuv_simulator in PR#348, 12 March 2019. This is what is currently used in uuv_simulator for FLS
    1. The SMARC implementation was last updated 20 Nov., 2018. Note that there are three versions of the sensor in smarc_gazebo_ros_plugins
    2. The @NickSadjoli fork of gazebo_ros_image_sonar.cpp was last changed 22 Feb., 2019
    3. Given the above, can assume that the version in uuv_simulator is the most recent.


Demonstrate Lack of Vertical Beam Patter

The current implementation is equivalent to a perfectly square vertical beam pattern which leads to unexpected results. Ran these two commands...

  • roslaunch fls_gazebo blueview_cylinder.launch
  • roslaunch fls_gazebo blueview_visualize.launch

To generate this narrated example: UUV Simulator Image Sonar Demo - Vertical Beam Pattern

ROS Interface

Published Topics

The topic names can be described in the plugin SDF. For this example, we have the following SDF configuration

	  <!-- This name is prepended to ROS topics -->
	  <!-- ROS publication topics --> 
Message Type Default or Typical Topic Description
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 /blueview_p900/point_cloud The DepthCamera class provides a each new rgb point cloud which is published by the plugin. See Depth Campa API
------------ ------------------------ ----------
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_depth
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_depth_normals
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_depth_multibeam
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_depth_normals
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_depth_raw_sonar
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_depth_sonar This is the 2D sonar view that mimics what is to be expected from sonar ouput.
sensor_msgs::CameraInfo /blueview_p900/image_depth/camera_info
----------------- ---------------------- ---
sensor_msgs::Image /blueview_p900/image_raw
sensor_msgs::CameraInfo /blueview_p900/image_raw/camera_info
sensor_msgs::CompressedImage /blueview_p900/image_raw/compressed
sensor_msgs::CompressedImage /blueview_p900/image_raw/compressedDepth
theora_image_transport::Packet /blueview_p900/image_raw/theora

Implementation Description

The base of the implementation is the DepthCamera implementation in Gazebo, and the model for the plugin is the DepthCameraPlugin.

For the DepthCameraPlugin we see this implementation pattern:

For the Image Sonar, the DepthCameraPlugin is replaced with the image sonar plugin in the tree above. GazeboRosImageSonar inherits from the SensorPlugin and GazeboRosCameraUtils. It borrows heavily from the GazeboRosDepthCamera class.

The GazeboRosImageSonar receives the depth image from the DepthCameraSensor. A bit A bit about how the DepthCameraSensor works.

Here is how the 2D sonar image is created by the GazeboRosImageSonar plugin:

  • Plugin sets up connection so that DepthCamera ConnectNewDepthFrame event calls...
    • OnNewDepthFrame, calls...
      • ComputeSonarImage...
        • Converts the float pointer to an OpenCV Mat, depth_image, from the DepthCamera image. Mat is CV_32FC1 (32-bit one-channel)
        • Calls ComputeNormalImage to generate normal_image from the depth_image
          • Applies 2D filtering to generate the depth gradients via Sobel Operator. Generates gradients in x and y.
          • Uses erode to set normals to zero where depth is zero.
          • Note - it seems like only the 3rd channel of the normal image is used by the next step, so could throw away the first two channels?
          • Note - the normalization seems to be ad hoc.
          • Note - the result seems to be functionally equivalent to inverting the original depth buffer.
        • Calls ConstructSonarImage to generate multibeam_image from depth and normal images.
          • Implements the sonar equations. Target strength, source level, noise level and directivity index are all hardcoded! These should be parameterized and/or parts of the models and environments.
          • Publishes the sonar equation image - the multibeam_image.
        • Calls ConstructScanImage to generate raw_scan from depth and multibeam images. The raw_scan is a 400xN single channel, 32-bit OpenCV image (CV_32FC1) N is set by the horizontal FOV, where N = 2*(400*sin(fov/2))+20. fov is the horizontal FOV; in the example this is 88.6 degrees
          • A couple of TODO comments here on things that could be done. Currently the size of the scan and the range! are hard-coded.
          • The values for camera intrinsic parameters focal_length_, cx_ and cy_ are from GazeboRosCameraUtils. Have to look at source to find the defaults:
            • focal_length = width/(2*tan(hfov/2))
            • principal point
              • cx_= (width+1)/2
              • cy_= (height+1)/2
          • Applies median filter: Applies OpenCV dialate function. Parameterizing this would be an improvement.
          • Applies speckle noise: Applies multiplicative Gaussian noise. Could/should be parameterized
          • Publishes the raw sonar image
        • Calls ConstructVisualScanImage to generate visual_scan (the 2D sonar view) from the raw_scan
          • Draws the pie shaped scan image, including the background, grid-lines, etc. Uses OpenCV to draw the image.
          • Color mapping from image intensity is fixed / hard-coded.
          • Publishes the scan
        • Publishes the depth_image (from the DepthCamera)

Some questions and thoughts for improvement.

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