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pyscf-TDDFT-ris (v1.0)

This python package, based on PySCF, provides the semiempirical TDDFT-ris method, offering a quick and accurate calculation of TDDFT UV-vis absorption spectra. The TDDFT-ris calculation starts from a completed SCF calculation, typically a .fch or .molden file. Also, it can start from the PySCF mf object.

Currently, it supports UKS/RKS, TDA/TDDFT, pure/hybrid/range-separated-hybrid functional. Not yet support implicit solvation model.


(1) Software package TURBOMOLE7.7dev has already built-in TDDFT-ris, see the TDDFT-ris+p plugin for Turbomole

(2) Software package Amespv1.1dev has already built-in TDDFT-ris, see Amesp


In the context of ab initio linear response TDDFT, we have introduced the TDDFT-ris model [1,2]. This is model achieved by two steps:

  • approximate the two-electron integrals using resolution-of-the-identity technique (RI) with only one $s$ type orbital per atom
  • disable the exchange-correlation kernel.

The exponents $\alpha_A$ of the $s$ type orbital centered on atom $A$ is related to the tabulated semi-empirical atomic radii $R_A$. Only one global parameter $\theta$ was fine-tuned across various hybrid exchange-correlation functional.

$\alpha_A = \frac{\theta}{R_A^2}$

Compared to traditional ab initio TDDFT, for excitation energy calculations of organic molecules, the TDDFT-ris model provides a nearly negligible deviation of just 0.06 eV. Moreover, it offers a significant computational advantage, being ~300 times faster. This represents a considerable improvement over the simplified TDDFT (sTDDFT) model, which shows an energy deviation of 0.24 eV.

Owing to its similar structure to ab initio TDDFT, the TDDFT-ris model can be readily integrated into most quantum chemistry packages with virtually no additional implementation effort. Software packages such as TURBOMOLE7.7dev and Amespv1.1dev have already built-in the TDDFT-ris method.

ORCA5.2 will support TDDFT-ris calculation in the next release.


This project requires the following packages:

  • python >= 3.8.0
  • pyscf >= 2.1.0
  • MOKIT (ORCA users can skip it)

(1) install MOKIT

MOKIT is used to read the .fch file to initiate the TDDFT-ris calculation.


For Linux users, the most easy way to install MOKIT is conda

conda create -n mokit-py39 python=3.9 # 3.7~3.11 are available
conda activate mokit-py39
conda install mokit -c mokit

Alternatively, download a pre-compiled MOKIT version is most convenient. After downloading the pre-built artifacts, you need to set the following environment variables (assuming MOKIT is put in $HOME/software/mokit) in your ~/.bashrc:

export MOKIT_ROOT=$HOME/software/mokit
export GMS=$HOME/software/gamess/rungms


For MacOS users, install MOKIT with homebrew is recommended:

brew install mokit --HEAD --with-py38

You can change py38 to any other python version that you can import PySCF, such as py310

If any difficulty, please follow the detailed MOKIT installation guide, 4 options have been provided.

(2) install PySCF

install PySCF is pretty straightforward:

pip3 install pyscf
pip3 install psutil

If any difficulty, please follow the detailed PySCF installation guide.

ORCA users can directly use the .molden file to initiate the TDDFT-ris calculation, and MOKIT is not required.

Instal PysCF_TDDFT_ris

First, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone [email protected]:John-zzh/pyscf_TDDFT_ris.git

Then add the repo path to your PYTHONPATH environment by adding the following commands to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH=path_to_your_dir:$PYTHONPATH

path_to_your_directory should be replaced with the path to the root directory, where you can see the file.

Adding the following alias to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file can save you some typing:

alias ris='python3.8 path_to_your_dir/'

Again, change python3.8 to any other python version that you can import PySCF.

Run the calculation

The package has different interface for different software package, including Gaussian .fch file, ORCA molden file and PySCF mf object

Gaussian software: .fch file

Suppose you have finished a DFT calculation with Gaussian and have a .fch file, you can run the TDDFT-ris calculation by executing the following command line:

ris -f path_to_your_fch_file -func pbe0

TDDFT-ris does not really need parallelization, because it is already very fast. But if you want to run it in parallel, you can set up the environment variables through command line:


or other equivalent environment variables on your machine. The major computation is automatically parallelized by NumPy. I doubt the parallelization on more than 2 cores will bring any further speedup.

All the options:

(1) The .fch or molden input file that provides the basis set and molecular orbital coefficient information. For example, Gaussian .fch file or ORCA molden file. Default: None

-f <input_filename>   

(2) The functional name. Default: None

-func <functional_name>

(3) The basis set name. Only need to specify this option when dealing with a molden file. Default: None

-b <basis>   

(4) The amount of Fock exchange in the hybrid functional (e.g. -ax 0.25 for PBE0). This option only takes effect when the functional name is not given or the given functional name is not included in the library. Default: None.

-ax <a_x>  

(5) The screening factor in the range-separated hybrid (RSH)functional (e.g. -w 0.3 for wb97x). This option only takes effect when the functional name is not given or the given functional name is not included in the library. Default: None.

-w <omega> 

(6) The alpha factor in the RSH functional (e.g. -al 0.157706 for wb97x). This option only takes effect when the functional name is not given or the given functional name is not included in the library. Default: None.

-al <alpha>

(7) The alpha factor in the RSH functional (e.g. -be 0.842294 for wb97x). This option only takes effect when the functional name is not given or the given functional name is not included in the library. Default: None.

-be <beta>

(8) The global parameter $\theta$ in the auxiliary basis $s$ orbital exponent, $\alpha_A = \frac{\theta}{R_A^2}$ Default: 0.2

-th <theta>

(9) Adding an extra $p$ function to the auxiliary basis. Default: False

-p <bool>

(10) Turn on the TDA approximation. Default: False

-tda <bool>

(11) The number of excited states to be calculated. Default: 20

-n <nroots>

(12) The convergence tolerance for the Davidson algorithm. Default: 1e-5

-t <conv_tol>

(13) The maximum number of iterations for the Davidson algorithm. Default: 20

-i <max_iter>

(14) The output spectra file name is <output_filename>-TDDFT-ris_UV_spectra.txt. Default: <input_filename>-TDDFT-ris_UV_spectra.txt

-fout <output_filename>

(15) The threshold to print out the transition coefficients. Default: 0.05

-pt <print_threshold>

PySCF script: mf object

Suppose you use PySCF to build a mf object, you can run the TDDFT-ris calculation by constructing TDDTF_ris object. For example

    import numpy as np
    from pyscf import gto,  dft
    from pyscf_TDDFT_ris import TDDFT_ris

    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.verbose = 3
    mol.atom = '''
    C         -4.89126        3.29770        0.00029
    H         -5.28213        3.05494       -1.01161
    O         -3.49307        3.28429       -0.00328
    H         -5.28213        2.58374        0.75736
    H         -5.23998        4.31540        0.27138
    H         -3.22959        2.35981       -0.24953
    mol.basis = 'def2-SVP'

    ''' Run the SCF calculation. 
        Note: TDDFT-ris also supports UKS calculation 
    mf = dft.RKS(mol)

    mf = mf.density_fit() #optional 
    mf.conv_tol = 1e-10
    mf.grids.level = 3
    mf.xc = 'pbe0'

    ''' build an TDDFT_ris orbject '''
    td = TDDFT_ris.TDDFT_ris(mf, nroots=20)
    ''' TDDFT-ris calculation '''
    energies, X, Y, oscillator_strength = td.kernel_TDDFT() 

    ''' TDA-ris calculation '''
    energies, X, oscillator_strength = td.kernel_TDA() 

The calculation generates a TDDFT-ris_UV_spectra.txt file. I provided a script, examples/Gaussian_fch/, to plot the spectra through command line $sh

Feel free to test out larger molecules (20-99 atoms) in the xyz_files_EXTEST42 folder. You should expect an energy RMSE of 0.06 eV, and ~300 wall time speedup compared to the standard TDDFT calculation.


I expect many bugs because I have not tested the robustness. Because I do not have Gaussian software to generate the .fch file :-) I would appreciate it if any user provide error information.

To do list

  1. Interface for other software packages that have not built-in the TDDFT-ris method, such as Qchem, NWChem, BDF.
  2. Uniformed output file to support NTO analysis.
  3. Assign certain elements with full default fitting basis, e.g. transition metals need full fitting basis
  4. Solvation model


Thank Dr. Zou (the developer of MOKIT) for powerful interface support. Thank gjj for the detailed guidance of MOKIT installaiton on MacOS system. Thank Dr. Zhang (the developer of Amesp) for cross validation with TDDFT-ris implementation. Thank Dr. Della Sala for the development of TDDFT-as prototype, and contribution to the development of the TDDFT-ris method [1, 2].


To cite the TDDFT-ris method:

  1. Zhou, Z., Della Sala, F. and Parker, S.M., 2023. Minimal auxiliary basis set approach for the electronic excitation spectra of organic molecules. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, pp.1968-1976.
  2. Giannone, G. and Della Sala, F., 2020. Minimal auxiliary basis set for time-dependent density functional theory and comparison with tight-binding approximations: Application to silver nanoparticles. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153(8), p.084110.

To cite the pyscf-TDDFT-ris package:

  1. Zehao Zhou, pyscf-TDDFT-ris,
  2. Jingxiang Zou, Molecular Orbital Kit (MOKIT) (see mored detailed citation instructions on MOKIT webpage)