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This is the README of lossyWAV for POSIX. The README of lossyWAV (proper) was moved to

lossyWAV for POSIX

This is an attempt to build lossyWAV natively in POSIX systems.

The Windows API is used in the official lossyWAV sources. But not extensively. lossyWAV is only offered as Windows binaries or source files which can't be compiled and linked to run in any non-Windows environment natively.

Luckily, I was able to replace the instances where the Windows API is used with C++11-compliant or POSIX-compliant code that provides similar functionality.

None of the changes would be enabled at the preprocessing stage if _WIN32 is defined.

Tested platforms: GNU/Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD(needs latest eg++).

How to Build and Install


Homebrew users can install lossywav with a simple command:

 brew install --HEAD


Building lossywav should be as simple as:

./waf configure [OPTIONS]
./waf build [OPTIONS]
./waf install [OPTIONS]

A typical example would be:

./waf configure --prefix=/usr --enable-fftw3
./waf build
# As root
./waf install --destdir=/

Note: If there is no python in PATH. You can invoke waf with whatever python executable you have. Both Python 2 and Python 3 are supported. For example:

 python2.7 waf configure

The output of ./waf -h including all OPTIONS:

waf [commands] [options]

Main commands (example: ./waf build -j4)
  build    : executes the build
  clean    : cleans the project
  configure: configures the project
  dist     : makes a tarball for redistributing the sources
  distcheck: checks if the project compiles (tarball from 'dist')
  distclean: removes the build directory
  install  : installs the targets on the system
  list     : lists the targets to execute
  step     : executes tasks in a step-by-step fashion, for debugging
  uninstall: removes the targets installed

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COLORS, --color=COLORS
                        whether to use colors (yes/no/auto) [default: auto]
  -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  amount of parallel jobs (2)
  -k, --keep            continue despite errors (-kk to try harder)
  -v, --verbose         verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [default: 0]
  --zones=ZONES         debugging zones (task_gen, deps, tasks, etc)

  Configuration options:
    -o OUT, --out=OUT   build dir for the project
    -t TOP, --top=TOP   src dir for the project
    --prefix=PREFIX     installation prefix [default: '/usr/local/']
    --bindir=BINDIR     bindir
    --libdir=LIBDIR     libdir
                        list of C++ compilers to try [g++ clang++ icpc]
                        Enable compiler warnings. (default: False)
    --werror            Consider warnings fatal. (default: False)
                        Don't check/set compile optimization flags. (default: False)
                        Don't check/set link optimization flags. (default: False)
    --disable-lto       Don't check/set lto flags. (default: False)
    --enable-debug      Set debug flags. (default: False)
    --enable-fftw3      Compile and link against libfftw3. (default: False)
                        Skip pkg-config and set fftw3 cxxflags explicitly (default: None)
                        Skip pkg-config and set fftw3 libs explicitly (default: None)

  Build and installation options:
    -p, --progress      -p: progress bar; -pp: ide output
    --targets=TARGETS   task generators, e.g. "target1,target2"

  Step options:
    --files=FILES       files to process, by regexp, e.g. "*/main.c,*/test/main.o"

  Installation and uninstallation options:
    --destdir=DESTDIR   installation root [default: '']
    -f, --force         force file installation
                        arguments to pass to distcheck

A simple Makefile.unix is also available as a last resort alternative.


  • All lossyWAV authors and contributors.
  • HydrogenAudio community.