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PackageReference Specification

Ankit Mishra edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 15 revisions


We need to migrate xproj/project.json data to msbuild based data structures in VS "15" for .NET Core.

Who is the customer?

.NET Core developers


Simple case for Preview 5 OOB

<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Versioning">

This means the same as 3.6.0 in project.json today, which is >=3.6.0, preferring the lowest.

Simple case for RC

<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Versioning" Version="3.6.0" />

In RC milestone, MsBuild will enable all metadata to be specified as a attribute or child element

Conditioned on a TFM

<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Versioning" Condition = "'$(TargetFramework)' == 'netstandard10'">

Versioning Flexibility

####Floating Version 3.6. 3.6.0-beta

####We’d like to start enabling double asterisks

####Explicit Floating Version Ranges

####Hard Version

####Strict Mode strict|normal|permissive

  • Strict will convert “3.6.0” to “[3.6.0]” (on top level and dependencies – across the entire restore graph)
  • Normal will warn on upgrades
  • Permissive will not warn Current default is permissive. New default will be normal.

###Asset Inclusion Include/Exclude/Private Assets Below are the default values for these 3 settings, consistent with project.json today

<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Versioning" Version="3.6.0">
  • IncludeAssets – These assets should be consumed
  • ExcludeAssets – The opposite of include
  • PrivateAssets – Consume but do not flow to the next project [Note: PrivateAssets is a new term for XProj/Project.json’s SuppressParent – we are open to other name suggestions, but we believe this is an improvement.]

All three of these can include any of the following values:

  • Compile – are the contents of the lib folder available to compile against
  • Runtime – are the contents of the runtime folder distributed
  • ContentFiles – are the contents of the contentfiles folder used
  • Build – do the props/targets in the build folder get used
  • Native - are the contents from native assets copied to the output folder for runtime
  • Analyzers – do the analyzers get used

Or, instead:

  • None – none of those things get used
  • All – all of those things get used.


We’ll be talking with CLI folks about making the need for this to go away

####Type=Build If we are able to get rid of the need for type=platform, we’d like to make type=build as simple as:

<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Versioning" Version="3.6.0">

###Coming soon Potential addition of package control:

  • Hash
  • PublicKey
  • Signature
  • FeedName
  • FeedUrl

###PackageReference and ProjectReference Duality There should be a transformation between ProjectReference and PackageReference that keeps the result of the build identical. Visual Studio, and other tools, could provide a feature to switch between those 2 modes for a project/package.

As such:

  1. metadata from PackageReferences may be needed to be respected on ProjectReference. IncludeAssets, ExcludeAssets and PrivateAssets will also be specifiable ProjectReference.
  2. FrameworkReferences, ProjectReferences or PackageReferences should flow transitively.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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