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Register package signing certificates

Svetlana Kofman edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 16 revisions

Status: Implemented


The work for this feature and the discussion around the spec is tracked here: Register package signing certificates on #5346

Package signing master spec list can be found here: Package signing


As part of package signing effort, there needs to be a way for authors to submit signed packages to should not accept any signed package to a given account unless the signature matches the one of the certificates (with public key) registered by the author to his/her account. Registering the certificate also provides additional layer of security to the packages submission process. With this feature, if a certificate is registered against an account, one would not only require an API key to push the package but also require the package to be signed using one of the registered certificates.

Who is the customer?

NuGet package authors who would like to sign their packages with a CA signed certificate.

Key Scenarios

The key scenarios we want to enable are:

  • Ability to register one or more certificates.
  • Ability to override the certificates to be used for a package that has more than one owners.
  • [Added 3/12] Ability to manage certificates only if the account has 2FA enabled and has used 2FA to sign in.

Out of scope

  • Current assumption is that only a CA signed certificate will be allowed to sign a NuGet package. The discussion around whether will allow self signed certificate is out of scope for this spec.


Register certificates

  • If an author wishes to sign all his/her packages using a certificate, he/she would have to register the certificate on
  • If no certificates are registered, the author can continue to upload unsigned packages. However, if they try to upload/push a signed package, the package won't be accepted unless the certificate used to sign the package is registered on against his/her account.
  • If one or more certificates are registered against an author's account, all the new packages (new or updates) will have to be signed packages.
  • Following details about the certificate or otherwise should be shown for each registered certificate:
    • Name
    • Thumbprint
    • Expiry date
    • Status - (Active, Expired, Revoked)
    • Issuer
    • Number of author's packages on that were signed with this certificate
    • A delete action button

Proposed screenshots (not the final ones): image



What happens when a certificate expires or is revoked?

  • New packages signed with the expired/revoked certificates will not be published i.e. the push/upload/update actions would fail.

Deleting/Removing registered certificates

One may want to remove an existing registered certificate if he/she gets another certificate that he/she intends to use for package signing. In such a case, the new certificate would need to be registered using the flow discussed above. Additionally the author may want to remove the certificate he/she does not want to use any longer:

  • A registered certificate can be safely removed by clicking on the delete button if there were no packages uploaded to signed with that certificate. The row for the registered certificate will no longer be shown.
  • If there were one or more packages pushed to, delete action will disable the row that shows the registered certificate but should not remove the row altogether. image
  • In both these delete cases, the packages signed with these deleted certificates cannot be published to i.e. the push/upload/update actions will fail.
  • If the author deletes the registered certificate by mistake, he/she can re-upload the cert to re-enable the registration.

Certificate requirements for packages with more than one owner

If a package is owned by more than one owners, then the following situations arise:

  1. One of the owners registers certificates while atleast one other owner did not register any certificate
  2. All the owners registered certificates

1. Atleast one owner has registered certificates and atleast one owner doesn't

  • Default: The package needs to be signed by any one certificate registered by an owner.
  • This can be overridden to require No certificate by any of the owners i.e. an unsigned package can be submitted after this override: image

2. All the owners have registered certificate(s)

  • Default: The package needs to be signed by any one certificate registered by an owner.
  • This can be overridden to require any specific owner's certificate. Submitting an unsigned package will not be possible in this case. image

Show signed package and certificate information for packages

Package authors should be able to find out if a particular version of the package was signed or not looking at the package submission history:



2-FA requirement for managing certificates

An owner can manage certificates only if he/she has signed in using 2-FA. The below screenshots proposes the experience when an owner, not signed in using 2-FA, tries to register a certificate.


  1. 2-FA is not required to for general logins, once a certificate is already registered unless the user wishes to Manage (remove, add) certificates.
  2. 2-FA will be required in co-ownership scenarios, while trying to manage certificate requirements/overrides for individual packages.
  3. 2-FA is only applicable with MSA logins. For AAD, the requirement is managed by the companies' policies.

For individual accounts: image

For Organizations: image


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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