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nuget.exe, xplat, dotnet cli commands and options planning

Drew Gillies edited this page Sep 30, 2016 · 8 revisions


Inconsitent options across commands in NuGet.exe, the XPlat DLL and dotnet CLI.


(under discussion)

Commands and options


NuGet.exe delete

  • -Source

  • -NoPrompt

    same as non-interactive--check this

  • -ApiKey

  • -Help

  • -Verbosity

  • -NonInteractive

  • -ConfigFile

  • -ForceEnglishOutput

NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll delete

  • -s/--source

  • --non-interactive

    add abbreviated option

  • -k/--api-key

  • --help

  • --force-english-output

    remove this from our commands for consistency in dotnet CLI

  • --config-file

    support this

  • (verbosity is covered via dotnet cli)

dotnet nuget delete

  • As per NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll delete


NuGet.exe pack

  • -OutputDirectory

  • -BasePath

  • -Version

  • -Suffix

  • -Exclude +

  • -Symbols

  • -Tool

  • -Build

  • -NoDefaultExcludes

  • -NoPackageAnalysis

  • -ExcludeEmptyDirectories

  • -IncludeReferencedProjects

    going away - no need to propagate to xplat

  • -Properties +

  • -MinClientVersion

  • -MSBuildVersion

    only a nuget.exe scenario

  • -Help

  • -Verbosity

  • -NonInteractive

    redundant--don't propagate to xplat

  • -ForceEnglishOutput

NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll pack

  • -b/--base-path

  • --build

  • --exclude

  • -e/--exclude-empty-directories

  • --min-client-version

  • --no-default-excludes

  • --no-package-analysis

  • -o/--output-directory

  • -p/--properties

  • --serviceable

    move this to metadata

  • --suffix

  • -s/-symbols

  • --verbosity

    (verbosity is also covered via dotnet cli--check this)

    verbosity is special in pack and restore. We need to standardize.

  • -v/--version

  • --help

  • --force-english-output

    remove this from our commands for consistency in dotnet CLI

  • --tool

    more design work to do

  • --analyzers


dotnet pack

  • -o/--output

  • --no-build

    if build is customized, we don't want to mess with it

  • --build-base-path

    don't use this

  • -c/--configuration

    follow CLI's call on this

  • --version-suffix

    change to --suffix

  • -s/--serviceable

    move to metadata


NuGet.exe push

  • -Source
  • -ApiKey
  • -Timeout
  • -DisableBuffering
  • -NoSymbols
  • -Help
  • -Verbosity
  • -NonInteractive
  • -ConfigFile
  • -ForceEnglishOutput

NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll push

  • -s/--source

  • -ss/--symbols-source

    remove -ss

  • -t/--timeout

  • -k/--api-key

  • -sk/--symbol-api-key

    remove -sk

  • -d/--disable-buffering

  • -n/--no-symbols

  • --help

  • --force-english-output

  • --config-file

    need to support this

    we may need to light up credential providers and --non-interactive here

  • (verbosity is covered via dotnet cli)

dotnet push

  • As per NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll push


NuGet.exe restore

  • -RequireConsent

    research: let's make this less troublesome

  • -Project2ProjectTimeOut

    less relevant now. Don't propagate to xplat.

  • -PackagesDirectory

  • -SolutionDirectory

  • -MSBuildVersion

  • -Source +

  • -FallbackSource +

  • -NoCache

  • -DisableParallelProcessing

  • -PackageSaveMode

    more design work, may need to move to xplat when done

  • -Help

  • -Verbosity

  • -NonInteractive

    move to xplat

  • -ConfigFile

  • -ForceEnglishOutput

NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll restore

  • -s/--source

  • --packages

  • --disable-parallel

  • -f/-fallbacksource

  • --configfile

  • --no-cache

  • --infer-runtimes

    going away

  • --ignore-failed-sources

  • --legacy-packages-directory

  • --help

  • --force-english-output

    remove this from our commands for consistency in dotnet CLI

  • --non-interactive

    add here

  • (verbosity is covered via dotnet cli)


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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