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Nikos Kefalakis edited this page Feb 2, 2014 · 15 revisions

(2, February, 2014) OpenIoT presented it's first release at the "IoT Devroom" at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels on Sunday 2nd February 2014 with 100+ attendees (developers). Video to be available soon.

(29, January, 2014) OpenIoT project received the Black Duck Open Source Rookies of the Year award and identify it as one of the 10 top new open source initiated in 2013 See more at: BlackDuck software & InfoWorld

(2, February, 2013) OpenIoT will be presented in (FOSDEM 2014), as part of IoT devroom organized for Sunday.

(6-8 November 2013) - OpenIoT will be demonstrating Use Cases and Open Source Tools at ICT 2013: OpenIoT has been selected from the more than 270 proposals for an exhibition stand at the ICT2013 in Vilnius on 6-8 November 2013 alike OpenIoT has been invited to coordinate a Networking Get Together Booth. The booth will be conveniently located in the networking area of the conference. It will be available to you to contact OpenIoT staff members for 90 minutes and will give you the opportunity to network in smaller and more open settings with OpenIoT technical and non-technical staff members.

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