Releases: ParadoxGameConverters/CK2ToEU4
1.0 de Navarra - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.37]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 de Navarra
Respectfully, are we done yet? Release
As you know, CK2ToEU4 is getting long in the tooth, and we're approaching its natural EOL. There's not much to be added to it that we haven't already, and outside expanding support for incoming and outgoing converters, this is as good at it gets. Assuming EU4 ends at 1.37, yes, we're done.
- Thankfully, none.
- Fixed issues with lost_group culture group, cultures were getting overridden.
- 1.37 EU4 is now supported.
- Expanded support for ImperatorToCK2 converter, several times.
- Random QOL enhancements backported from CK3 converter.
- Thankfully, none.
1.0 of Mercia - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.36]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 of Mercia
Merciful Release
Nothing major. 1.36 EU4 is now supported, but otherwise development is winding down. No new functionality.
- Thankfully, none.
- No longer assigning ottoman government for all sunni absolutists, doing Beyliks now.
- Fixed prestige decay issues with some monuments.
- Compatibility with 1.36 EU4.
- Still expanding support for Tianxia.
- Compatches for ImperatorToCK2.
- Exploration updated so that hopefully only the region in which the Renaissance spawned should colonize until at least the 1600's.
- Expansion updated so that nations will expand into empty territories if no-one has done so by the mid 1700's.
- Redid some cultural localizations and various helper strings.
1.0 de Leon - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.35]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 de Leon
Life Support Release
Nothing major. 1.35 EU4 is now supported, but otherwise contributors are expanding support for their favorite mods (Mesopotamia Reborn, Jewish Kings, Jewish Immersion, Ancient Religions Reborn, Dunhuang Immersion Pack, Pamir Immersion Pack, & Peloponnesian Immersion Pack and so on). No new functionality.
- Thankfully, none.
- Minor corrections to decisions and events.
- Some province mappings corrections.
- Minor Sunset Invasion fixes.
- Compatibility with 1.35 EU4.
- Expanding support for Tianxia
- Added numerous additional culture maps for a lot of different mods so those are now supported.
- Updated culture, religion, & title mappings for mod compatibility.
- Nope, nothing was done.
1.0 Karling- for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.34]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 Karling
Yup, Still Kicking Release
We're still patching the converter, and this release is yes another maintenance release with some fixed scripts, localizations, cultures and minor errors we noticed recently. Nothing major. 1.34 EU4 is now supported.
- Fixes to script issues that caused EU4 CTD on game load.
- Trying to fix UTF8 names for titles so they dont emojibake on conversion. Questionable success.
- Fix for vanishing HRE holder on HRE shatter.
- Fix for disappearing build triggers on produced monuments.
- Updates to some government reforms.
- Compatibility with 1.34 EU4.
- Support for CleanSlate mod.
- More compatches for I:RtoCK2 cultures.
- Better support for some sinicized dynasties (yuan, manchu).
- Updated Nestorian Holy Sites.
1.0 Isauros- for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.33]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 Isauros
Still Kicking Release
This is relatively small release, since we're basically only maintaining compatibility with incoming Imperator saves and EU4 updates. Some fixes, some new cultures, and a ton of syncing with EU4. If you see bugs, let us know.
- Fixes to script issues that caused EU4 CTD on game load.
- China can now have Empresses as well as Emperors upon conversion.
- All Monuments work if date is < 1444.
- Default wars now blanked so they don't show on eu4 start.
- Fixes to out-of-scope tributaries and history entires (eg. china) for game starts post 1444.
- Fixed history for renaissance for dynamic institutions so it's historical (relevant for post 1450 conversions)
- All monuments synced with EU4 1.32 and 1.33.
- Culture break-ups for Aztec Invaders.
- Small loc fix for the modifier pertaining to reformed pagan faiths.
- Added new cultures from the IR to CK2 divergence events, such as Eifrican and Aestian
- Pechenegs now go to PTZ.
- Fixes to norman/normand/normand_norse culture confusion.
1.0 Habsburg - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.32]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 Habsburg
Extra Monumental Release
Five months since last major release, and we've been at work mirroring CK3toEU4 patches, as well as handling a separate massive update of supported monuments, IMPtoCK2 saved games as well as whatever else we could find and fix. Crashes in CK2toEU4 are much less frequent than with its sibling CK3 as the saves are much cleaner, so we're confident no major issues should arise any time soon.
- Fixing crashbug with province-less great statue builders. This can happen on incoming modded games.
- Fixed a number of duplicate and missing localisations in various languages.
- Crashes should be fixed by overwriting the Chinese_alliances.txt file.
- Added sound for pagan_religiojn_reformed
- Brahmins loyalty works properly for monuments now
- Pagan_religion_reformed now defined properly
- Wonders should no longer convert to monuments if they have no modifiers
- Monuments can no longer end up with more than 4 stages (0-3)
- Bugs with landless countries retaining relationships in eu4 fixed.
- Great Jin added so that Jin China can properly convert rather than using the anachronistic Manchu.
- Support for EU4 1.32 Songhay update.
- Large update to support IMPtoCK2 religions and cultures.
- Monuments have been synced, fixed and dynamic monument generation got a balance pass.
- Vassal splitoffs can now be configured in configurables/vassal_splitoff.txt, so you can make the process more or less sensitive to vassal size.
- Added vanilla blessings and holy sites to zoroastrian religion.
- Marking what exactly was shattered into HRE so in eu4 that particular tag can be reformed instead of HRE tag.
- Siberian wipe is now 3 options - only small tribes, or everyone, or noone is wiped.
- African passes sterilization (to separate subsaharan africa from CK3 megablobs) is now configurable in configurables/african_passes.txt.
- Localized Nestorian blessings and gave them their own symbol
- Added Sikh gurus.
- Norse culture-split added
- MGE given vision as it is Chinese Tech by default, blinding it to all of its western neighbors
- Fixed Jain broken map color.
- Many new greek (sub)cultures for incoming IMP games.
- Mari now map to meshchera
1.0 Gildehusen - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.31.5+]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 Gildehusen
Monumental Release
Converter has been updated for 1.31.5, as well as bringing in Leviathan support for importing CK2 wonders into dynamically built EU4 monuments.
- Incoming compressed saves will no longer fail to load if they have been renamed by user
- Minor fixes to custom nation name pools.
- Jin converts to the right Jin
- Support for CK2 wonders - dynamically build wonders turn into EU4 monuments for Leviathan owners, or into regular province modifiers (as before) for non-Leviathan owners. As many EU4 premade wonders have been synced up with their CK2 counterparts as possible, and have been expanded to support a wider array of CK2-based cultures and religions.
- Various tag mapping corrections.
1.0 de Foix - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.31]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 de Foix
Maintenance Release
With the CK2 stable, we're pushing an EU4 1.31 compatibility patch, that also packs quite a few behind-the-scenes fixes and tweaks. We've added dynamic ideas for nations that would otherwise get randomized ideas, and added a lot of support for the currently in development IMPtoCK2 converter.
- Fix to some malformed religion mappings that could crash the converter.
- Fix for loading Wonder ID 0 (Stonehedge) - it now loads and applies properly.
- Fix for self-filtering of nonsense mappings (784 - Al 'Aqabah.txt) and related autofix to uncolonized Shahrazur.
- Austrian Age ability now also applies to unified HRE as it should have from start.
- All CK2 religion that were mapped to protestant/reformed have been reassigned elsewhere, as they would mess up the reformation.
- FAP (Fraticelli Pope) should now always have a name and never fallback to it's tag name.
- Mongol Empire no longer annexes an independent Mongolia that exists in CK2.
- Fixed Palembang and similar countries that reverted to uncolonized clay due to peculiarities of initial ownership.
- Starting bookmark is now directly selected from configuration settings, fixing the issue with starting inflation for early conversions played in 1444 bookmark.
- Prussia decision tweaked slightly.
- Assyria is now a formable with its own ideas.
- Dynamic ideas added for all nations that would normally get generic ideas. (These ideas load on game start! You cannot see them in the "Choose nation" screen.)
- Added mappings for cultures used in the Imperator:Rome to CK II converter.
- Sicilian culture is now created across entire Sicily from Italian.
- Galician is no longer created in Asturias area by accident.
- Highlander now maps from Gaelic or from Irish in Scotland.
1.0 Este - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.30]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0Este
Less Bugs Release
This release combines many smaller patches and fixes, and compatibility with incoming mods, namely HIP/SWMH which (although still work in progress) should nominally be supported now. Work on WTWSMS is still in progress, but some of the data files are now updated.
- Bug where colors were not loaded for titles that had minus in their names.
- Random bugs with Empire shattering fixed.
- GFX sets are now properly assigned.
- Some special countries were not loaded, so this is now fixed.
- Fixed reading of localizations that sometimes dropped a lot of them.
- Fix for broken reading of incoming mod province files.
- Age of Reformation now triggers in 1594 if no Reformation ever happens.
- Kamchatkan tribes are no longer purged if Siberian purge option is enabled.
- Pagan rebels are no longer missing, and pagan relationship with cults is fixed.
- Welsh no longer use Spanish ideas.
- Fix for missing visibility/discovered status of seas around Europe.
- some religions reshuffled to map in a better way, donatism added.
- Compatibility with HIP/SWMH province mappings, cultures, religions, governments and tags.
- Compatibility with WTWSMS religions.
- Helenic deities have new images
- Culture groups should now have the same colors as in vanilla EU4.
- Reformed pagans now have dynamically generated religions according to tenets they chose.
- Tana/Azov mappings are fixed a bit.
- Random minor missing mappings and mismaps have been fixed.
- Monarch names are now read in a saner fashion, hopefully eliminating bugs.
- Fronter localizations are now fixed to not include nonsense.
1.0 Dunbar - for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.30]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0Dunbar
Snowflake Release
This release is dedicated to three special snowflakes, each more exceptional than others. These are the Pope, the Fapope and the HREmperor.
In addition an imperial ton (metric not invented yet) of fixes and patches has been applied.
Conversion Features and Changes
Culture differentiation
- Better generation of Italians, Slovaks, Slovenes, Greeks, Bretons.
Ages, Ideas and Institutions
- Ages, ideas and institutions have been fully patched to 1.30.
- Special age abilities have been divorced from named tags and opened to anyone with appropriate culture/religion background.
Countries, Reforms, Decisions, Estates
- Holy Orders have been patched to work better.
- New 1.30 government reforms have been fully integrated and available to nations fulfilling their requirements.
- Targeted government reforms now work again.
- Qing can now adopt Manchu culture.
- Dead nations no longer get to have permaclaims on DeJure provinces.
- Updated formable decisions have been patched to work alongside their vanilla counterparts, difference being they allow a wider range of religions/cultures/other conditions where applicable.
- Some estate interactions have been fixed to allow wider use.
Map fixes
- Arabia, Balkans, Tartary, India, Greece, Urals have revised mappings.
- When multiple provinces vie for an EU4 mapping, they now correctly do Battle Royale with their development, wonders, capital statuses and similar.
- Development from baronies (0.3) and individual buildings (0.1) can now be manually tweaked in
so that users can adjust total world development to their liking.
Optional Vassal splitoff
- Splitting off major/influential vassals into autonomous countries can now be disabled in configuration, though we recommend leaving it enabled.
The Snowflakes
Pope and Fapope
- Popes now directly assimilate all land they own, bet it France, Jerusalem or Romagna.
- Assimilated countries under pope do not leave cores behind, but national/cultural cores are still generated as usual.
- Popes have a priority as electors if in HRE.
- All Papal/catholic decisions/mechanics now have Fapope/Fraticelli counterparts with slightly different effects. Fapope will be better at preventing reformation.
- Papal names and localizations have special overrides and mechanics.
HREmperor / HRE
- HREmperor's capital is the single most important province in the world and will always belong to him.
- After deleting e_hre and probably HREmperor's kingdom, his primary duchy will be set to the one containing his capital.
- If he holds no duchy over his capital, his capital county becomes primary and will be able to PU/annex other owned counties/duchies.
- Baronies no longer qualify for becoming the HREmperor.
- All Dejure HRE land held by others will now be marked as such in EU4.
- Electorates are no longer giver to junior PU members; when distributing PUs, the tag flagged as emperor/elector will automatically become senior.
- Free city generation is now fixed to exclude juniors in PUs, electors and similar.
- Instead of relying on all mods present on the system, the Fronter has now been expanded with mod detection so the user can pick those mods that were actually used in the game.
- Fronter now also allows users to use spaces in custom output mod name, which previously didn't work.
- Instead of relying on common-sense directory paths, Fronter will now prevent usage of paths that "don't exist" (notably when OneDrive symlink folders get in the way). Previously this produced a hotbed of confusion for users.
Aside for these, many minor under-the-hood fixes and patches were implemented, as always.
The windows_development_build supersedes this release and is built whenever a feature is added, dynamically. You can get it here.