1.0 Isauros- for CK2[3.3] and EU4[1.33]
CK2ToEU4, 1.0 Isauros
Still Kicking Release
This is relatively small release, since we're basically only maintaining compatibility with incoming Imperator saves and EU4 updates. Some fixes, some new cultures, and a ton of syncing with EU4. If you see bugs, let us know.
- Fixes to script issues that caused EU4 CTD on game load.
- China can now have Empresses as well as Emperors upon conversion.
- All Monuments work if date is < 1444.
- Default wars now blanked so they don't show on eu4 start.
- Fixes to out-of-scope tributaries and history entires (eg. china) for game starts post 1444.
- Fixed history for renaissance for dynamic institutions so it's historical (relevant for post 1450 conversions)
- All monuments synced with EU4 1.32 and 1.33.
- Culture break-ups for Aztec Invaders.
- Small loc fix for the modifier pertaining to reformed pagan faiths.
- Added new cultures from the IR to CK2 divergence events, such as Eifrican and Aestian
- Pechenegs now go to PTZ.
- Fixes to norman/normand/normand_norse culture confusion.