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Harlow Personal Log

Michael Harlow edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 34 revisions


Updated webpage.


Met with professor Vidal and demoed our program. Met with my group to test the functionality and bugs in the project conquest game.


Met with group members a few times this past week. Worked on the help information and startup wizard.


Worked with Othen and Harini on getting the technical documentation ready for the help menu item.


Made some edits to the main controller algorithm, added a rest interval option.


Spring break. Worked on the wizard but I still have some use ability issues.


Submitted a video on how to use our software and uploaded the newest version of our binary file.


This week we met with Professor Vidal. We talked about doing a video for our testing and it was accepted. We are finishing up some items that needed to be touched up.


This week we met in smaller groups because our schedules didn’t align. We were able to get some issues with functionality fixed and we have our project almost completely ready for peer/Beta testing.


This week we met with Professor Vidal and discussed our problems with getting the behavioral test to work. After talking about it, we determined that we might have to purchase software for the test. I have been working on getting the import export and printing code/windows working but at during the weekend the Netbeans IDE glitched and wouldn't start. Yesterday I finally got it all working again so I can continue with the project.


This week my group had their first meeting with Professor Vidal and we worked on the testing milestone. The testing software available has been very unreliable. Some of them have been failing our code completely. Others have been saying our java code is good but the GUI interface fails. I think it is because we are using fxml for our GUI interface is not coded like java code and that is why they are being rejected. We are still trying to get our project to pass completely.


Forgot to update my log when the semester began. We setup our meeting times for our group and with Professor Vidal.


Had our presentation and personal evaluations this week along with our proof of concept demo. Everything seems to be set up for the next semester.


We worked on the proof of concept project and got prepared for the presentation


Last week I went away for thanksgiving so I did not work on this project.


Earlier this week I met with Othen and we made some headway with the prof of concept project. On Friday we met with our client and presented our project. He was very helpful with pointing out items we should work on such as making sure the whole team could discus what our project is and why it is needed.


We Met with Prof Vidal and talked about what we need to implement for our proof of concept milestone. I am trying to figure out how to print to a PDF document.


I met with a few of the group members to discus the proof of concepts milestone coming up and I think we have a good grasp of what to do. We believe we need to make a program that can load and store data, use password encryption and print a PDF format of the table.


Earlier this week we met with Vidal and gave us good input on our last milestone turn in. I got together with another team member to get use to the conflicts with github. Earlier today we went over the processes and trouble shooting with the other team members..


This week I watched the Architecture videos. Since the fall break was this week we didn't meet in person. We finished Milestone 8 together.


This week we practiced using the gui interface with netbeans. We actually got together a few times to figure out how the programs worked. I watched the Git and GitHub videos. Ultimately they didnt help me with my problem and I ended up creating a new repository called Card-Game.


I watched Software Development Methodologies and read through the slides I just realized that I didn't report after our meeting on Friday. We met on Friday to discuss the comments made about our detailed design and then talked about our interpretation about the Research milestone. My thought is that we need to make one program using a unfamiliar language and add on to it but another team mate thinks we need to do two one in the language chosen for our program and one like I previously mentioned. We decided to bring that up in our meeting with Professor Vidal.


Wednesday we met with professor Vidal and had a good talk about our rough drafts. On Friday we got together to discus what we liked of the different designs and came up with a good plan for our initial design. I worked on using net-beans to see how it might affect our designing/functionality. So far I think this system might work well for us. I tried the suggested prototyping tools and found that for a desktop based layout is Pencil.


Wednesday we had a meeting about the rough drafts and we determined that we would have different members draw up their design. Some of us are working together on the designs but we are going to review each others work and collaborate on what would work best for our direct client.


I didn't realize I was supposed to list the lecture videos I had watched. Before we had our first meeting I watched 490 Welcome and Teamwork. Before 9/17/17 I watched Design. The rest I will log as I review them.


This week my team met with Professor Vidal. We were going to meet Friday but the majority of us had conflicts that would cause us to arrive late or leave early so we canceled. We are working on milestone 4.


This is my first log entry.
Last week we formed our team and came up with the repo name Code Commandos. It was also decided that I would be the team captain.
At the start of this week we figured out when we could meet together and plan on meeting Friday. I added the milestones to GitHub so we can check on our progress and deadlines.