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Othen's Personal Log

Othen Prock edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 50 revisions


Working on final release. All of the priority bugs were corrected. Some of the enhancements with lessor priorities may not be implemented.


Currently working on RC1 bugs as they come in.


Working on the final release. It looks like we'll finish on time.


The DA Form 6 output to PDF is finished. Next is the Duty Memo. Also, the rest of the team are working on the technical writing for the help file. Everything is on schedule.


The assignment algorithm is finished. The settings are done. The pdf outputs are almost done; We're still on schedule for the 5th. However, the startup wizard and help files probably won't be finished until the 15th.


Almost finished with the assignment algorithm. Next, pdf outputs; along with settings and help. We should be done by April 5th.


We had our meeting with Dr. Vidal on Wednesday and he gave us guidance on the next milestone. Continuing work on the assignment algorithm.


Spring break. Still working on the assignment algorithm.


Finished a very primitive version of the assignment algorithm. However, it doesn't include the functionality required to satisfy the original intentions. I plan to complete it during the upcoming spring break.


We met with Dr. Vidal today to discuss our progress on the project, and he gave us some goals to complete to have a decent beta release. We're currently working on the assignment algorithm. Once that's finished, we'll trying to create an output that can be exported to a pdf file.


I just had a major breakthrough on the files data management. So, that finishes the roster crew assignments. Now, I'm ready to be begin work on the duty assignment algorithm itself.


Still trying to finish up the main roster screen. Once that's done and the blackout Controller, then it's time to work on the duty assignment algorithm.


We couldn't get the GUI testing working on using TestFX or JemmyFX. TextFX doesn't work for FXML, and JemmyFx apparently does, but there are no instructions on how to use it on its home website and it hasn't been active since 2016. Started work on finishing the beta.


Submitted milestone 13 without GUI testing. We've tried to use TestFX with no success. Currently working on using JemmyFX because it works much better with JavaFX FXML. TextFX is more suited for JavaFX Swing. Both softwares have very limited documentation on installation and both require linux admin privileges to install JDK-8 before creating the required jar files.


Conducted meeting with Dr. Vidal and discussed options for meeting the testing requirements for milestone 13.


Currently researching Milestone 12, and preparing for testing.


Added dynamic table to the main roster section.


Integrated password into encryption key for file system.


Completed encryption file system for project. We had a meeting with our client last Friday. He liked the current progress, and gave us a few news ideas that we plan to include in the next draft update.


Working on connection password to AES encryption key.


Finished dynamic editable tables. Still working on multiple selection and deletion.


Conducted team meeting on wednesday and discussed milestone 10. We came up with a few first steps to lay the groundwork for our proof of concept.


Conducted a meeting with Dr. Vidal to discuss the requirements,milestone 8 and milestone 9. Worked with team and completed milestone 9.


Completed work for milestone 8.


I've added my research to my personal github page. This completes the requirement for milestone 3. The address is


Met with the client and showed him our drafts. He gave me a list of required major features. The team met with Dr. Vidal for more details on Milestone 7. Connected personal repository to current research project for Milestone 3.


Completed milestone 5. We had a team meeting to discuss Milestone 7.


Conducted a meeting with Dr. Vidal to discuss the rough draft, and ideas for milestone 5.


We met with Met with Professor Vidal earlier this week and discussed the details of our team project. We've created the three personas for milestone 4, and we've started work on our first project rough draft for milestone 5.


Read instructions and watched video for milestone 2. Began research on various possible platforms for our team project.

We named our team Code Commandos. Also, we voted Michael Harlow to br our team captain. We picked our team meeting times to be on Fridays, and our biweekly meetings with Professor Vidal on Wednesdays.


Posted first personal log entry on private/personal github wiki.


Read to instructions and watched the video for Milestone 2.


Our team startup project was approved by Dr.vidal.

Completed team application and submitted to Dr. Vidal.

Read to instructions and rewatched the video for Milestone 1. Researched Regulation for Army Duty Roster creation process, and began work on team startup application.


Created a github account. Watched the CSCE 490 Capstone Welcome video.