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3.0 All in One

Tomato6966 edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 11 revisions

1. Install sudo and wget

apt-get install -y sudo wget 

2. Go to root user and to home dir

sudo su
cd ~

3. download & update serverSetup-script as well as make it executable and start it!

wget -O
chmod +rwx

This script installs:

  • basic utility packages and libs such as gcc, build-essentials, build-utils
  • programming languages like: python2, python3, java18, nodejs@16, npm@latest, yarn@latest
  • encoders like: ffmpeg and others
  • global managers like: pm2, yarn, npm-check-updates
  • It uninstalls default package: apache if installed
  • It configures your .bashrc file with oh-my-bash (a bash style and intellisense package), including some .bashrc functions to ensure your usage of linux
  • It recommends my setup for linux security

Once it's finished it should end up showing these:

Applied custom .bashrc, to load it do: source ~/.bashrc, or reload the current session
Installed speedtest
Everything is setup
A reboot is recommended
If you want more security against other user logins, check out
This is a Wiki from Tomato#6966 how he secures his VPS servers on a quick and easy base.

NOTE If it ends with something like this: image

than execute the following:

rm ~/.bashrc && wget -O ~/.bashrc

You'll then be done! The only thing missing is the pronts... which are just echos so just reboot and reload the server than your fine, maybe add Linux Security too!

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