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Thanks to our sponsors

ktakeda1 edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 6 revisions

The AGM and hackday would not have been possible if it were not for the support of our sponsors.

First of all, thanks to our main sponsor Maudsley Digital, who provided the venue and much of the catering.

We'd also like to thank Bioinformatics group at the Biomedical Research Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry.

Microsoft Research have provided cloud passes for everyone attending the hackday, and tablets for hackday prizes. See for free 12 month Azure Awards.

Thanks to Github for sponsoring the pre-hack dinner and for providing, what they describe as, "swag" for all hackday participants.

Fitbit UK have provided Fitbits for data collection and some for prizes too.

Finally, the Software Sustainability Institute has provided resources for the organisation and running of the RSE Community, the AGM and hackday.

Thanks to all our sponsors for making the AGM and hackday possible!

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