JUnit Rule that provides a H2 Embedded in-memory database. It is compatible with all known JDBC access libraries such as Spring JDBC, RX-JDBC, sql2o, JDBI or plain old JDBC.
- because you want to test the SQL code executed by your code without integrating with an actual DB server
- removes the need of having a database server running and available
- you are refactoring legacy code where JDBC calls is tightly coupled with your business logic and wants to start by testing the legacy code from the "outside" (as suggested by Michael Feathers)
This library is distributed through the Sonatype OSS repo and should thus be widely available. Java 7 or higher is required.
- version 0.3: updated all dependencies as well as some changes to the internal implementation
- version 0.2: added datasource() for getting an embedded DataSource and suppressing close() call to the connection
- version 0.1: first release
libraryDependencies += "org.zapodot" % "embedded-db-junit" % "0.3"
public EmbeddedDatabaseRule dbRule = EmbeddedDatabaseRule
.withInitialSql("CREATE TABLE Customer(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(512)); "
+ "INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES (1, 'John Doe')")
public void testUsingRxJdbc() throws Exception {
final Database database = Database.from(dbRule.getConnection());
assertNotNull(database.select("SELECT sysdate from DUAL")
assertEquals("John Doe", database.select("select name from customer where id=1")
public void testUsingSpringJdbc() throws Exception {
final JdbcOperations jdbcOperation = new JdbcTemplate(dbRule.getDataSource());
final int id = 2;
final String customerName = "Jane Doe";
final int updatedRows = jdbcOperation.update("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES(?,?)", id, customerName);
assertEquals(1, updatedRows);
assertEquals(customerName, jdbcOperation.queryForObject("SELECT name from CUSTOMER where id = ?", String.class, id));
If you need more than one database instance in your test class, you should name them using the "withName" construct. If not set the rule builder will generate the name using the name of the test class
public EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseMysqlRule =
public EmbeddedDatabaseRule embeddedDatabaseMsSqlServerRule =