Return To MapFrame is an Android application for Pepper the robot. It was developed using the QiSDK (
This sample shows how to use LocalizeAndMap and Localize actions to:
- Compute a map of an environment.
- Use a map to make Pepper localize himself in the corresponding environment.
- Make Pepper return to his original position, defined as the position where he started mapping his environment (map frame).
- Pepper 1.9.
- API level 3.
- A real robot (does not work on a virtual robot).
Pepper will explain the purpose of this sample.
Select if you want to map Pepper's environment or use a saved map.
Follow instructions so that Pepper can map his surroundings and save the resulting map.
Select if you want Pepper to localize himself or if you want him to go to his initial position.
Follow instructions so that Pepper can localize himself in his environment.
Follow instructions so that Pepper can go to his original position (map frame).
See the COPYING file for the license.