Pre-releaseWARNING!!! You may be affected by this bug: Aircoookie#2618
Update WLED to current "stable" version (0.13.1).
Since WLED finally allows to set serial port speed (Config→Sync Interfaces tab) you can set it to 921600 if you have problems with your board to establish 2Mb speed. Just remember to set the same speed in HyperHDR. You can even try 4Mb speed if your ESP32 board has CH9102x serial chip.
USB serial data stream integrity is always protected with AWA protocol and such option must be enabled in HyperHDR Adalight driver also.
If you own ESP8266 and you are using other that recommended pinout scheme (for example: other than hardware ESP8266 SPI pinouts for APA102/SK9822) then you are asking for trouble and very degraded WLED performance: ESP8266 board doesn't allow pins remapping. If you need such functionality then please upgrade to ESP32 board.