Releases: datacleaner/DataCleaner
Releases · datacleaner/DataCleaner
- Added support for running DataCleaner with Java versions 9-17.
- Revived the RegexSwap functionality, basing it on data hosted by the Open Source community in GitHub instead of Human Inference's (decommissioned) API endpoints.
- Updated dependencies:
- Jackson
- Commons Beanutils
- Guava
- Guice
- Commons IO
- HTTP client
- Log4j
- Logback
- Junit
- Commons compress
- MetaModel
- OpenCSV
- PostgreSQL
- H2 database
- Freemarker
- SLF4j
- Hadoop
- Cassandra
- Netty
- Spring
- Activation framework
- #1849 - Fixed compatibility with recent versions of PostgreSQL.
- #1825 - Improved error messages when JDBC connection is failing
- Upgraded several dependencies, incl. Apache MetaModel, Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Jackson and Scala.
- #1811 - AWS DynamoDB support
- #1810 - Machine Learning tools
- #1801 - New "String contains" filter
- #1596 - Fixed locale-dependency of Pattern Finder
DataCleaner 5.6.0 modernizes your favourite open source data quality tool to meet today's standards in database technology.
Data Quality for your streaming data sources!
DataCleaner 5.5.0 is out with an important new feature - connectivity with Apache Kafka, the popular open source data streaming platform. So as of today you can profile, analyze and transform data as a consumer to the live data streams, just like you would do it for data at rest in a database.
- #1794 - Added connectivity to Apache Kafka.
Minor feature improvements and bugfixes:
- #1790 - Improved the component search under the library tree.
- #1787 - Improved resizing and high-dpi support for file selection/browsing widget.
- #1789 - Upgraded JUNG graph API to 2.1.1.
- #1788 - Fixed compatibility with JDK 10.
- Fixes compatibility with Java 9 and Java 10 #1784
- Software update notifications #1009
- New analyzer: "Mark rows as..." #942
- Fix for to take arguments #1755
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException when closing job #1777
- MetaModel 5.0.1 update #1780
- High DPI graphical tweaks #1770
- Cleanup of deprecated and commercial edition oriented codebase (issue #1753, PR #1759)
- Added basic support for High DPI screens (PR #1762)
- New analyzer: Fill pattern analysis (PR #1763 )
- New scripting transformers using Groovy (PR #1764)
- Updated MetaModel dependency to version 5.0.0 (issue #1751)
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag DataCleaner-5.2.2