Adding support for messages written by Challenge Handlers; this will be useful for Handlers to write messages meant for human consumption, like when a server is configured for handling the Challenge, what URL to expect the result to come from.
Changing default "output behavior" of Manual Challenge Handler:
- By default, won't write output to STDOUT, but output will be captured as message attached to Authorization State
- You can override this behavior and specify STDOUT to mimic the old behavior. All other settings are preserved by the Manual Challenge Handler.
- When an output is specified, the message will be written to both the output target, and captured by the authorization state.
- This applies to both handling the Challenge and also cleaning up after handling the Challenge.
Adding support for standard logging in base and extension packages
- Based on NLog
- POSH module allows customization
BREAKING CHANGE for DEVELOPERS: The interface for Challenge Handlers has been improved but breaks backward compatibility if you wrote your own handler.
Added new Provider for DNSMadeEasy, contributed by @MatthewSteeples in #254.
Corrected and made configurable the client's agent string, contributed by @Marcus-L in #300
Support for Cert Revocation added to client, thanks @Marcus-L in #301 (note, not yet exposed in PS library)
Finally, add support for TLS-SNI challenge type, many thanks to @WouterTinus and @Marcus-L in #308