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Release Notes 1.4.0

Philippe DUL edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

Capella 1.4.0

Improvements on Components

Conceptual changes to support the definition of Actor

  • There's no more a separate meta-class to represent the concept of Actor. Actor can be now distinguished from normal Components by the attribute.
  • A new attribute Component.human has been added to represent the concept of Human.
  • Human Component is always a leaf (not decomposable) images/ReleaseNotes/Capella1_002.png

Components are no longer separated from Actors, defining the Structure

  • There are no more System meta-classes. The System of an architecture is understood as the first Component found in the Structure package.
  • Actor can contain Components and Actors. Component can contain Components and Actors. It allows to define Actors deploying part of the system and vice versa. images/ReleaseNotes/Capella1_008.png

Better display and usability for Component elements and Parts

Icons of Components are now consistent across views and diagrams.

For the one displaying Parts of Components, they are simplified by decorating the Component icon which is reused. In the Capella Project Explorer view, labels of Part elements are displayed italic.


If the option "Reuse of components through parts" is activated, on diagrams, icon of components are decorated to represent Part elements.


Capella capabilities in order to filter and save/export/share a custom EPF profile

Capabilities allow us to enable or disable certain components of Capella product. Some categories of Capella functionalities have been predefined in the Capabilities preference page are:

  • Capella Advanced Modeling includes functionalities for advanced users, for instance the Expert property view
  • Capella Concepts includes functionalities concerning Capella System Engineering concepts, for instance the behavior component concept
  • Capella Phases includes functionalities available in different Capella phases, for instance the Operational Analysis phase.
  • Capella Tools includes various Capella tools, for instance the Transitions tool images/ReleaseNotes/Capella1_005.png

Better insertion of components into diagrams

Components can now be inserted in diagram through Drag and drop from Project Explorer.

New capabilities of filtered trees in Project Explorer and Wizards/Dialogs

The search bar above filtered trees was reduced with new filtering options and the search in Description button was removed: simply hit Enter to trigger the search.


The filtered tree is used in the Capella Project Explorer view and many others wizards like Transfer Dialog, Replicable Elements Dialog, Delete Dialog, etc.


New Quick Filters menu offers 3 quick actions:

  • Select All Filters: Activate all filters in the Filters and Customization... dialog
  • Deselect All Filters: Deactivate all filters in the Filters and Customization... dialog
  • Select Default Filters: Reset to default all filters in the Filters and Customization... dialog

New Recent Filters menu allows quick access to 5 most recent used filters

New Search Options menu allows to activate 2 options for searching:

  • In Description: Inactive by default. If activated, the search operation will scan also the description of Capella elements and the documentation of Sirius representations.
  • Case Sensitive: Inactive by default. If activated, the search operation will make differences between lower and upper cases.

More information for the menu "Show related Element"

"Show related Element(s) in Project Explorer" menu provides more information about referenced elements, like new "Properties" heading giving Type and some additional attributes (e.g Actor).


Added Capella in the Tips and Tricks help menu

Opening Tips and Tricks in Capella Help menu, will redirect the user towards the help documentation in Capella Guide > User Manual > Tips and Tricks.


Simplification of Capella Preference update for Delete page


Added preferences to select CSV delimiter used in export

  • The available delimiters are the one in the picture below
  • The default delimiter is "comma"
  • The user can chose another delimiter by selecting the "other" radio box and entering a single character images/ReleaseNotes/Capella1.png

Integration of Eclipse EGit and Capella DiffMerge capabilities in Capella - Comparison with Git and Version Control Systems (VCS)

See related Eclipse Help for EGit and DiffMerge in Capella Help at: Capella model (file-system) comparison with Git and Version Control Systems (VCS).

Validation rules on components (added new rules, updated existing ones, deleted duplicated rules)

New rules

  • DWF_DC_36 (ERROR): Component or Actor compositions checks

Component or Actor with the 'is Human' flag set on true cannot have sub Components, sub Actors, also no contained Parts or managing sub-packages. (QF: Switch to non HUMAN) An Operational Actor cannot be decomposed. (QF: Switch to non ACTOR and non HUMAN / Switch to non ACTOR)

  • DWF_DC_37 (ERROR): This rule checks that only one System Component is allowed at SystemAnalysis level
  • DWF_DC_38 (ERROR): This rule checks that only a Root Component exists at System/Logical/Physical level (Zero or more than one Root Components are not allowed).
  • DWF_DC_39 (ERROR): This rule ensures that the PhysicalSystem Component is of nature UNSET. (QF: Set nature to UNSET)
  • DWF_DC_40 (WARNING): This rule checks that an Operational Entity is not HUMAN. (QF: Switch to non HUMAN
  • DWF_DC_41 (WARNING): This rule checks that an Operational Actor is HUMAN. (QF: Switch to HUMAN)

Updated rules

  • DWF_DC_21 (ERROR): This rule ensures that NodePC is not contained in BehaviourPC and BehaviourPC is not contained in NodePC

Node Components (actor or not) can contain Node and deploy Node or Behavior. Behavior Components (actor or not) can contain Behavior and deploy behavior.

  • DWF_DC_22 (ERROR): This rule ensures that PC is correctly deployed/contained in parent PC

Node Components can't be deployed/contained in BEHAVIOR PC. (QF: Switch to BEHAVIOR) Behavior Components can't be contained in NODE PC. (QF: Switch to NODE)

  • DWF_DC_34 (WARNING): PhysicalComponent has invalid nature UNSET (QF: Switch to NODE/Switch to BEHAVIOR)

Actor and physical component shouldn't be UNSET Only root Actors (inside structure) can be kind UNSET Only root Actors (inside structure) can be kind UNSET Root component should always be UNSET

  • DWF_DC_17 (ERROR): This rule ensures that a Component cannot generalize itself (the rule was renamed from DWF_CA_05, and "actor" was changed to "Component").

Deleted rules

  • DWF_DC_10: This rule checks the parts and their type are located in the same architecture.
  • DWF_DC_23: This rule ensures that NodePC is not deployed in PhysicalActor. (covered by DWF_DC_22)
  • TJ_PA_03: This rule ensures that a Logical Actor is realized by at least one Physical Actor. (covered by TJ_PA_01)
  • DWF_CA_05: once belonging to the Capabilities family of constraints, this rule doesn't address any capability check (moved to DWF_DC_17)

Primitive values display in Semantic Browser and Mass Vizualization

Display the values of Property values and Data Values in a new category of Semantic Browser. Capability also available for Cybersecurity Viewpoint in order to display assigned values.

Organize diagrams in Project Explorer (Blank Diagrams : IDBs and XABs)

Blank diagrams (for instance XAB and IDB) can be drag and dropped between Components or Component packages. For example, a sub-package can be created under the Logical System to group certain LAB diagrams as follows:


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