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Metamodel modellingcore

Philippe DUL edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 6 revisions


ModellingCore aims at defining the core concepts of any modelling language.


common base for all Capella elements

Common Types:

Known Sub Types: Too many elements to be displayed here

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
id EString 1..1
sid EString 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
constraints AbstractConstraint 0..*
ownedConstraints AbstractConstraint 0..*
ownedMigratedElements ModelElement 0..*


A relationship references one or more related elements. Relationship is an abstract metaclass [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Generalization, GenericTrace, TransfoLink, JustificationLink, CapabilityRealizationInvolvement, StateTransition, AbstractStateRealization, StateTransitionRealization, StateEventRealization, ComponentRealization, InterfaceImplementation, InterfaceUse, ExchangeItemAllocation, PhysicalLinkRealization, PhysicalPathInvolvement, PhysicalPathReference, PhysicalPathRealization, PhysicalPortRealization, SystemCommunication, CapabilityInvolvement, MissionInvolvement, CapabilityExploitation, OperationalAnalysisRealization, PhysicalArchitectureRealization, PhysicalArtifactRealization, FunctionalChainReference, ComponentFunctionalAllocation, FunctionalChainRealization, FunctionalExchangeRealization, FunctionRealization, FunctionalExchange, ComponentExchange, ComponentExchangeAllocation, ComponentExchangeFunctionalExchangeAllocation, ComponentExchangeRealization, ComponentPortAllocation, FunctionalChainInvolvementLink, FunctionalChainInvolvementFunction, Association, KeyPart, OperationAllocation, PortRealization, PortAllocation, InformationRealization, ExchangeItemRealization, MergeLink, RefinementLink, AbstractCapabilityRealization, AbstractCapabilityExtend, AbstractCapabilityExtensionPoint, AbstractCapabilityGeneralization, AbstractCapabilityInclude, FunctionalChainAbstractCapabilityInvolvement, AbstractFunctionAbstractCapabilityInvolvement, ScenarioRealization, SystemAnalysisRealization, ContextInterfaceRealization, ActivityAllocation, RoleAllocation, CommunicationMean, EntityOperationalCapabilityInvolvement, LogicalArchitectureRealization, LogicalInterfaceRealization, RequirementsTrace, MessageReference, PartDeploymentLink, TypeDeploymentLink

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


A named element represents elements that may have a name. The name is used for identification of the named element within the namespace in which it is defined. A named element also has a qualified name that allows it to be unambiguously identified within a hierarchy of nested namespaces. NamedElement is an abstract metaclass. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Too many elements to be displayed here

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
name EString 0..1


a model element that is the source and/or destination of information flows

Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Part, PhysicalPort, ComponentExchangeEnd, ComponentPort, Entity

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
incomingInformationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
informationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
outgoingInformationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*


Base abstract class supporting the ability to trace a model element to/from other elements

Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Too many elements to be displayed here

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
incomingTraces AbstractTrace 0..*
outgoingTraces AbstractTrace 0..*



Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Part, Interface, ExchangeItemAllocation, PhysicalPort, SystemFunction, ComponentPort, Class, Collection, DomainElement, Property, Union, UnionProperty, ExchangeItem, ExchangeItemInstance, LogicalFunction, OperationalActivity, Role, PhysicalFunction, SignalInstance, BooleanType, Enumeration, StringType, NumericType, PhysicalQuantity

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
final EBoolean 0..1



Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Too many elements to be displayed here

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
visibleInDoc EBoolean 0..1
visibleInLM EBoolean 0..1


base abstract class supporting the definition of data types

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: ChangeEvent, TimeEvent, Interface, SystemFunction, SystemComponent, ConfigurationItem, FunctionInputPort, FunctionOutputPort, FunctionalExchange, ComponentExchange, Class, Collection, DomainElement, Service, Union, ExchangeItem, CreationEvent, DestructionEvent, ExecutionEvent, EventReceiptOperation, EventSentOperation, ArmTimerEvent, CancelTimerEvent, LogicalFunction, LogicalComponent, OperationalActivity, Entity, CommunicationMean, PhysicalFunction, PhysicalComponent, Exception, Message, Signal, BooleanType, Enumeration, StringType, NumericType, PhysicalQuantity

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
abstractTypedElements AbstractTypedElement 0..*


a (named) model element to which a specific type is associated

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Part, PhysicalPort, SystemFunction, FunctionInputPort, FunctionOutputPort, ComponentPort, CollectionValue, CollectionValueReference, Parameter, Property, UnionProperty, ExchangeItemElement, ExchangeItemInstance, LogicalFunction, OperationalActivity, Role, PhysicalFunction, SignalInstance, LiteralBooleanValue, BooleanReference, EnumerationLiteral, EnumerationReference, LiteralStringValue, StringReference, LiteralNumericValue, NumericReference, ComplexValue, ComplexValueReference, BinaryExpression, UnaryExpression, OpaqueExpression

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
abstractType AbstractType 0..1


abstract base class supporting the ability to define a trace relationship between two model elements

Common Types: TraceableElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: GenericTrace, TransfoLink, JustificationLink, AbstractStateRealization, StateTransitionRealization, StateEventRealization, ComponentRealization, PhysicalLinkRealization, PhysicalPathRealization, PhysicalPortRealization, OperationalAnalysisRealization, PhysicalArchitectureRealization, PhysicalArtifactRealization, ComponentFunctionalAllocation, FunctionalChainRealization, FunctionalExchangeRealization, FunctionRealization, ComponentExchangeAllocation, ComponentExchangeFunctionalExchangeAllocation, ComponentExchangeRealization, ComponentPortAllocation, OperationAllocation, PortRealization, PortAllocation, InformationRealization, ExchangeItemRealization, MergeLink, RefinementLink, AbstractCapabilityRealization, ScenarioRealization, SystemAnalysisRealization, ContextInterfaceRealization, ActivityAllocation, RoleAllocation, LogicalArchitectureRealization, LogicalInterfaceRealization, RequirementsTrace

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


specifies a constraint applying to a given set of model elements

Common Types: ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Constraint

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
constrainedElements ModelElement 0..*
context ModelElement 0..1
ownedSpecification ValueSpecification 0..1


A value specification is the specification of a (possibly empty) set of instances, including both objects and data values [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: CollectionValue, CollectionValueReference, LiteralBooleanValue, BooleanReference, EnumerationLiteral, EnumerationReference, LiteralStringValue, StringReference, LiteralNumericValue, NumericReference, ComplexValue, ComplexValueReference, BinaryExpression, UnaryExpression, OpaqueExpression

Inherited fields (from AbstractTypedElement)

Reference Type Range Description
abstractType AbstractType 0..1


A parameter is a specification of an argument used to pass information into or out of an invocation of a behavioral feature. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: Parameter

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
effect ParameterEffectKind 0..1
isException EBoolean 0..1
isOptional EBoolean 0..1
isStream EBoolean 0..1
kindOfRate RateKind 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
parameterSet AbstractParameterSet 0..*
probability ValueSpecification 0..1
rate ValueSpecification 0..1

Inherited fields (from AbstractTypedElement)

Reference Type Range Description
abstractType AbstractType 0..1


The datatype ParameterEffectKind is an enumeration that indicates the effect of a behavior on values passed in or out of its parameters [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types:

Attribute Description


A parameter set is an element that provides alternative sets of inputs or outputs that a behavior may use. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
ownedConditions AbstractConstraint 0..*
parameters AbstractParameter 1..*
probability ValueSpecification 0..1


enumeration containing the possible caracterizations for the rate of a streaming parameter

Common Types:

Attribute Description


An InformationFlow specifies that one or more information items circulates from its sources to its targets. Information flows require some kind of 'information channel' for transmitting information items from the source to the destination. An information channel is represented in various ways depending on the nature of its sources and targets. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: ComponentExchange, CommunicationMean

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
convoyedInformations AbstractExchangeItem 0..*
realizations AbstractRelationship 0..*
source InformationsExchanger 1..1
target InformationsExchanger 1..1

Inherited fields (from AbstractRelationship)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


Set of exchanged element (e.g. data, material...) expected or provided, exchanged between ports

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: ExchangeItem

Inherited fields (from AbstractType)

Reference Type Range Description
abstractTypedElements AbstractTypedElement 0..*


A vertex is an abstraction of a node in a state machine graph. In general, it can be the source or destination of any number of transitions. [source:UML Superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement

Known Sub Types: State, Mode, FinalState, InitialPseudoState, JoinPseudoState, ForkPseudoState, ChoicePseudoState, TerminatePseudoState, ShallowHistoryPseudoState, DeepHistoryPseudoState, EntryPointPseudoState, ExitPointPseudoState

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
exploitedStates IState 0..*
referencedStates IState 0..*

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