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Release Notes 6.1.0

Erwann Traisnel edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 17 revisions

Release Notes

All fixed issues can be retrieved here : Fixed issues

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Display the last modification date of a diagram in a Title Block

Adding a Title Block in a Capella diagram will provide information related to the name of the diagram, last modification date, summary and description.

The last modification date is available as an AQL query that you can reuse or custom through preferences.


The date format can be customized from the "Preference menu > Capella > Diagram".



Improvement of Diagram Layout Copy-Paste

Extended capability of copying and pasting format to cover individual selection. Previously, the copying and pasting of format was performed on a global level without the option to choose specific elements.

This has changed and the capability has been extended to allow users to style only the selected model elements, by using the 'Edit' item from the contextual menu or using upper Diagram toolbar.

Applying the paste format on that selection will not impact the others, providing the ability to the user to edit elements individually and master impacts, rather than being limited to a global edit and manual arrangements.


The paste format function has been updated to allow relative positioning of elements

The functionality of pasting the format offered the ability to edit the elements based on the copied style, but in an absolute mode, meaning that the new coordinates of the target would be the same as the coordinates from the source.

Now it is possible for the user to choose between two types of pasting, Similar locations in absolute coordinates and Optimized locations by group. This choice is made from the following window:


To exemplify the layout pasting we will consider a simple example. The first image below represents the source layout, meaning the one that from which we will copy the layout and the second image represents the target layout, the one where we will paste the copied layout.


We copied 'Remote Control SW' Component and the functions inside it.

The option Similar locations in absolute coordinates corresponds to the previous implementation. The elements are positioned at the same coordinates as in the source layout, as seen below and a scroll bar appears on the parent element 'Passenger Remote Control'.


The second option, Optimized locations by group, applies the layout relative to the current positions of the selected elements in the target layout, as seen below.


Relative positioning of elements facilitates also the REC/RPL mechanism to instantiate a selection multiple times, but keeping the relative position of the RPL.

We will illustrate a simple case, with only one REPLICA:

Before pasting the format, the diagram in which is inserted a replica is looking like below:


After pasting using 'Similar locations in absolute coordinates', the previous created layout in the diagram is broken. The rearranging becomes even harder when there are multiple instances.


Pasting using 'optimized locations by group' mode resolve this issue, because the relative positions are kept.


Creation of Physical Links and Component Exchanges on same component

From Capella 6.1, Physical Links can be created between two ports on the same Node and also between a port and the container component through related palette tool, same for Components exchanges.

Multiple Component Exchanges/ Physical Links for the same pins/ports are supported now.


New filters in Capella Project Explorer

New filters are provided in both Project Explorer tree and commit history view to reduce the size and complexity of displayed elements:

  • Physical Path
  • Functional Chain
  • Operational Process
  • Communication Links (HIDDEN BY DEFAULT, like interface use etc ...)
  • Functional Exchange Categories
  • Component Exchange Categories
  • Physical Link Categories

Tree Filters are now consistent across the views

The semantic filters available on Trees (Transition wizard, Project Explorer, Commit History, REC/RPL), are now commonalized and available everywhere. (including the other diffmerge uses like model comparisons, Transition, REC/RPL, Requirement viewpoint, Project Explorer and Commit History)

Actors, Capabilities, Components, Data, Deployment Links, Exchange Items, Allocations (Function, Functional Exchanges, Component Exchanges), Functions, Generalizations, Interfaces, Property Values, Modes / States, Viewpoint elements.

image image

New diagram filters to display FE with Exchange Item label in xAB diagram as in xDFB Diagram


Functional Exchange looping on the same function

A new validation rule DCOM_23 has been added to identify Functional Exchanges that are created on the same Function and loops on it, and some quickfixes to fix the model.


Scenario initialization: EIs of Functional Chain/Operational Process Involvement links are propagated to convoyed EIs of generated Sequence Messages

Transition of Functional Chain/Operation Process to Functional/Operational Activity Scenario Initialization initialize exchange items convoyed EIs by generated Sequence Messages

from those referenced in original Functional Chain/Operational Process Involvement links.


A new validation rule DCOM_24 (warning) detects upper Sequence Messages with no convoyed EI compared to invoked FE/CE/Interaction/CM with some EIs, and a quickfix to edit it or synchronise it with all EIs.

Semantic Browser improvement to show external references (Scenario or Functional Chain) for quick analysis & access

New Semantic Browser queries were added to display recursively "External Referenced Functional Chains" or Operation Processes, "External Referenced Scenarios" on Capabilities and Functional Chains or Operation Processes


Some more Semantic Browser information clicking on the blank of the Scenario diagram, i.e. related queries available on Scenario, and same for Functional Chains diagrams image

Quick access to open/create Diagram by double clicking on Scenarios & its Interaction Use or Functional Chain & its Functional Chain Reference or Operational Process or Physical Path

For some Capella elements closely linked to their Diagrams (i.e. Scenarios, Interaction Use, Functional Chain, Functional Chain Reference, Operational Process, Physical Path), double clicks on it in all views/explorers/editors will directly open related diagram or propose to select the suitable one, or to create one in case it does not exist. From Capella 6.1, it will be the default behaviour to ease the daily usage and exploration of that elements.


if "Navigate to related diagrams on double click" preference in Capella/Diagram is unchecked, double clicking on upper elements will open the Properties dialog, as usual. image

From Capella 6.1, a new right click contextual menu "Show in Properties dialog" is available to open related Properties as a dialog on all cases. image

Outline view available in default Capella perspective

From Capella 6.1, default Capella perspective includes Outline view to ease and faster navigation in big diagrams.


This Outline is also compatible on Linux and Mac OS (regression fixed), and with better performance.


  • an Eclipse parameter is also available in case of performance issues on big models in order to remove by default this Outline view in all Capella clients.
  • Legacy Fast Linker view is removed from Capella Perspective by default, but still available in Eclipse views enabling its capability in through Preferences (Window/Preferences-General/Capabilities-Capella Tools/Fast Linker).

The context menu in the outline tab was improved to be consistent with the ones available in all other Capella views (eg Project Explorer, Diagram Editor, ...):

Now the user can use functionalities like Show in Semantic Browser, Copy or Delete by right-clicking on the element directly in the outline tab.


Expert tab and Semantic tab in Properties Views have been hidden by default

The Expert tab and Semantic tab in Properties Views have been hidden by default in order to avoid technical modification which may downgrade the quality of your design.

You can made them visible by checking related capability in through Preferences (Window/Preferences-General/Capabilities/Capella Advanced Modeling/Expert/Semantic Properties


Capella Copy As

Capella Copy As menus have been reorganised and simplified. It handles multiple selection and to work from the Diagram viewer, the Semantic Browser and the Project Explorer.

It has been also improved by adding a new action, Copy Unique Identifier which can be useful to find quickly a specific element selected in Capella and researched for instance in Xplore or any other tool handling Capella IDs.


On Diagram, Capella right click menus have been improved with some icons to be find category or FC/PP creation tools, and also with powerful REC/RPL select elements.

In order to ease the access to Viewpoint Manager view and facilite viewpoint activation for instance (e.g. enabling Darc Viewpoint), the Viewpoint Manager view is now proposed by default.

Have a look in the list of promoted views in Capella Perspective at Eclipse Window/Show views:

  • Viewpoint Manager view
  • Outline view
  • Properties view


Improvement of validation rules for hyperlinks referenced in richtext descriptions

Hyperlinks validation/Quickfixes in rich text description of model elements or diagram elements have been enhanced to better detect and fix hyperlinks issues.

The rules that have been updated are I_22, I_23 , I_47 , I_46.

I_22, which ensures that names of hyperlinks towards capella model or diagram elements are up to date, is now enabled by default and provide an information warning for every outdated hyperlink. In the previous version, a generic message was raised for all of them and a quickfix was available to fix all of them once, without the option of addressing them individually. From 6.1, the quickfix can be used for each hyperlink issue inside model or diagram element rich text, and also all of them at once by using quickfix all similar.

I_23, which ensures that hyperlinks towards non existing capella model elements or diagram are removed from the description or converted to text, is now activated by default, as I_22. It displays errors specific to each compromised hyperlink separately and the quickfixes can be done for each or all at once too. It provides 4 different quickfixes:

  • Convert missing hyperlink to text from rich text description
  • Remove missing hyperlink from rich text description
  • Select a new Model element
  • Select a new Diagram element

Note: form 6.1, **I_47 ** have been also improved with a new quickfix "Remove missing image from rich text description" to be manage missing image, like hyperlinks.

Select all elements involved in a specific REC or RPL

From Capella 6.1, it is also easy to select all elements involved in a specific REC or RPL using the dedicated Capella Select menu on a diagram. This feature facilitates copying or pasting the layout:


Copy-pasting the layout of Functional Chains between diagrams (that are displaying a chain) is now allowed.

In the previous versions, Capella had limitations on copying a Functional Chain and pasting it into another diagram. However, as of Capella 6.1, this ability to copy and paste a Functional Chain is now available in all diagrams of types xFCD, xAB, and xDFB.

For a better understanding, we will use the following example from the In-Flight Entertainment System model: Starting from two Functional Chain Descriptions, both containing the same Functional Chain: "PFC AND", we want to copy the layout from "[PFCD] PFC AND" and paste it in the "[PFCD] PFC of PFCs".



Previously, clicking the paste button didn't have any effect, but with the new enhancements, the outcome will be as follows:


Currently, there is still a limitation when attempting to paste from a diagram in which the 'Functional Exchange' has ports to another diagram where it does not have: the layout of the Functional Exchange will not be preserved (for example, from a xAB to a xFC).

Copy-paste toolbar buttons improvements

Previously, the 'Copy' button was visible only when at least an element was selected. Now it is always visible on the toolbar, even when no elements are selected in the diagram.

It comes with a useful tooltip that reads "Copy the format of the whole diagram". This improvement eliminates the need to first select an element before accessing the copy function or to select all the elements in the diagram to copy the whole format.

When one or more elements are selected, the button's tooltip becomes 'Copy the format of the selected diagram elements'.

Contrary to the 'Copy' button, the 'Paste' action was visible in the toolbar only when the diagram was selected. As soon as at least one element was selected, the Paste actions were no longer visible. This behavior was improved to display now a drop-down menu with the helpful tooltip 'Paste the current recorded format (layout and style) to the selected diagram'. If there's nothing in the paste cache, the menu will be disabled by default. When at least one element is selected, drop-down menu will have three paste actions for pasting the current recorded format to the selected elements.

'Distribute' and 'Align' actions applicable for edge labels

Previously, the 'Distribute' and 'Align' actions were only applicable to nodes, but with the new updates in Capella 6.1, the edge labels can also be aligned to the left, center, or right.

These actions can be performed using the toolbar menu, the contextual menu, or the Eclipse menu.



Additionally, the edge labels can now be rearranged using the 'Distribute' actions, which are accessible in the same three ways as the Align actions: from the toolbar, the contextual menu, or the Eclipse menu.


Provide a way to dynamically store Eclipse project references in order to display Capella project dependencies

A Capella project can reference Capella Library projects (and recursively) and any Eclipse projects as image storage from Capella 6.

Capella 6.1 provides a way to dynamically store these references and an API to acquire them (used for instance by its Orchestra Connector 6.1).

These project dependencies can be viewed in "Properties > Sirius Session Details"

Potential changes/dependency désynchronisations can be reloaded by pressing the "Update images project dependencies" button, as seen below, and updated using Capella image validation rules if it is required (see rules Model Validation/Constraints/Capella/Integrity/I_46 and I_47).


Notes API Changes for 6.1

On 6.1, an API breakage occured on several methods: #2607

  • SystemEngineeringExt.getSystemEngineering(CapellaElement) changed to SystemEngineeringExt.getSystemEngineering(ExtensibleElement)
  • IRootQueries.getProject(ModelElement) to (ExtensibleElement)
  • IRootQueries.getSystemEngineering(ModelElement) to (ExtensibleElement)

If your extension was using these helpers, a rebuild of your addon will be necessary to make it work on 6.1. (There is no compilation issues as ExtensibleElement is more generic than Capella/ModelElement, but a rebuild with 6.1 as target is still required) Note that IRootQueries.getProject can be replaced by ProjectExt.getProject(EObject)

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